little white lies

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"But you, you don't tell the truth
No you, you like playing games" - One Direction

Alyssa's POV

"Who is this?" Was the first question dad asked when he entered the house. My dad was tall and had dark hair that I hadn't inherited. I had my mum's looks. Small, petite and the same blonde hair, just that she had dyed it a lighter shade of blonde and I had dyed it silver.

I didn't know what to answer. First of all, I stepped away from George to make the situation less awkward and to be able to think clearly.

What should I say?

Hey we're hanging out in the studio in the basement, recording songs because, guess what, just to annoy you because you don't like it.

No, that didn't work.

Hey dad, I'm helping George and his band out and maybe they help me make tracks in the music business.

No, I was screwed. Unless...

"Mum, dad..." I said. "Meet George, my boyfriend."

George's head shot around to look at me in confusion but I just tried to tell him with my eyes that he needed to cooperate and that I'd explain everything to him later.

George still just stared at me but he didn't object. In fact, he nodded slowly, still trying to process what I had just blurted out.

For a moment there was an awkward silence until my mum spoke up.

"George! Nice to meet you. I'm Mrs Harper but you can call my Lara, of course." Mum said and George took a step forward to take mum's perfectly manicured hand and shake it.

"Nice to meet you too, Lara." George said casually as if it was the most normal thing to him to introduce himself to his fake-girlfriend's parents.

Then it was my dad's turn to speak.

"I'm Mr. Harper." He said and didn't tell George to drop the mister when addressing him. I felt so ashamed. What if George had been my real boyfriend? This was so impolite.

"My pleasure, Mr. Harper." George said and shook my dad's hand as well. Dad held George's hand for a little too long and stared him right into the eyes with a glance that could kill.

George swallowed but didn't look away.

"Listen boy. You're dating my daughter and if she gets hurt, you'll pay for this. Richard did enough already." Dad said and my heart stopped beating for a second. My dad had mentioned Rich. In front of the one person that I never wanted to know about Rich.

George solemnly nodded his head.

"Yes Sir, believe me, I won't do anything to hurt your daughter. I promise." George said, his voice sincere. My dad's face brightened up and he actually smiled. He. Actually. Smiled. What?

"Well then, welcome to our family George. I'm Sergej." My dad said and let go of George's hand.

Mum and dad went into the kitchen and I knew that we were supposed to follow them and I also knew that this talk could take a bit longer so I took out my phone and sent George a text, telling him to send Reece and Blake a text to say that they mustn't come upstairs and that we would be away for some time.

Mum sat down onto a kitchen chair and placed her Gucci purse on the floor next to her. She signed George and me to sit down beside her, what we did.
Dad got us all a glass of water each and placed them on the table in front of us.

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