my place

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"Everyone thinks that we're perfect, please don't let them look through the curtains" - Melanie Martinez

Alyssa's POV

"This isn't your house." George said and stared at my house. His jaw had dropped and his eyes were widened. He had obviously not expected me to live in a mansion. Well, it wasn't my fault that my parents were rich.

"My house looks better from the inside." I said sarcastically as I unlocked the door of the house whilst George was still standing at the gate to our property. When he noticed that I was waiting for him at the door, he quickly ran over to me.

"Sorry." He apologised and as he entered the entry hall, his eyes widened even more, if that was possible. I had to suppress a smile that was creeping on my face because he looked kind of cute, being that amazed by a house.

"What do your parents do for a living?" He asked. That was the thing that I didn't want to talk about. My parents. Because I hated them. I wanted to remind George of our agreement, that he wasn't allowed to ask questions but then I answered anyway, for some reason.

"My dad is a stockbroker and my mum is a marketing director." I answered shortly. I really didn't want to talk about it.

"Are they home?"

"No." I said a little bit too quickly and too loudly though I didn't quite know whether they were home. I hoped not, to be honest. I tried to shun them as good as possible. My dad was a dick and my mum was a weak ass bitch.

"Okay." George didn't seem to notice my change of mood, he just followed me into the kitchen.

"Let me just grab some fruits that we can take upstairs. I'm hungry." I told George.

"Are you sure that you wanna eat fruits then?" He asked and I just nodded my head. Yes. I wasn't that kind of girl who could eat and eat and actually lose weight. I had to do something to stay fit.

"Absolutely." I pushed the door to the kitchen open and walked towards the fridge to get some food. I didn't want to stay in here for too long because I was scared that George would meet one of my parents. So as soon as I held the food in my hands, I turned around again and left the room, George closely behind me.

We went upstairs to my bedroom. The first thing I did after entering was letting myself fall down onto my queen sized bed while George just stood there awkwardly. I eyed him up.

"You know, you can put your bag down and find a place to sit. You don't have to stand in the doorframe." I told him and George took two more steps into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Oh yeah, sure." He said as he took his rucksack off his shoulders and let it slide to the ground. He looked around my room to find a place to sit. It took him some time to choose and at the end of the day he decided to simply sit on the chair in front of my desk.

"So? How about we come up with a structure? Some kind of table of contents as a guideline? And then we can split the work and both of us are gonna sort out different bullets? Does that sound like a plan?" I suggested and George seemed to agree because he nodded and looked for a piece of paper and a pen on my desk but he couldn't find them.

"Sounds good to me. So shall we work out the bullets now?"

"Wait, I'll give you pen and paper." I said and jumped up. I walked over to the desk and pulled a drawer open. To have a better look I leaned in and the side of my stomach touched George's arm. For a second I paused because I was so irritated by George's touch that I couldn't focus on anything else. But then he moved his arm away and I moved on like nothing had happened.

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