First Kiss

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Instead of going to Jacob's house like normal or even Dakota's I had to go straight home. Josh was already there when Ryan and I walked through the door. I was so frustrated. Josh smiled at me when he saw me. "How bad was it?"

I shook my head and sat down at the table, grabbing an apple from the basket in the middle. "I haven't had a day that bad in a long time."

Ryan leaned against the wall and Josh sat across from me. They were both ready for storytime. "What happened?" Josh asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Jacob didn't even acknowledge me on the bus or at the bus stop. He looked at me in homeroom, but Julia hasn't even glanced in my direction yet, so it was really awkward all morning because I sit with her in practically every class. Then at lunch I couldn't really sit with them, so Evan offered to sit with me and Kota at a different table. Evan was asking all about what happened, but I couldn't tell him and we turned around and Jacob and Kota were yelling at each other. Then the nurse took literally eight years to change my bandage and it was all screwed up and wrinkled so it didn't even cover all my stitches. Kota had to peel it off and flatten it out after he changed from gym."

Josh cut me off as I kept talking. "He didn't rip them or anything, did he?"

I shook my head. "He was really careful. I didn't even feel it." Ryan pulled my bandage back as I kept talking just to double check. "Emily was telling me in history that she thought it was her fault and that Jacob doesn't like her because he won't tell her what the secret was and I had to just keep saying it was personal and I couldn't even copy the stupid notes because the lines kept moving on the page and I have a test in there Friday and I can't remember any of it!"

My talking became crying as I got more and more frustrated with my situation. "We can help you," Ryan offered.

I shook my head and cried a little harder. "Jacob told me he was going to help me catch up before he stormed out on Monday."

Josh shook his head. "You don't even need him. He's being a jerk right now."

My phone lit up on the table. Evan was calling me. I sniffed up all my tears and wiped my face with the back of my hand as I walked out back to answer his call. "Hello?"

"Hey," he said cheerfully, then like he noticed I sounded weird, he said, "Are you okay?"

I sighed. "Yeah. I'm just stressed out. It's fine. What's up?"

"Well I heard you spent Bolton's class in the hallway trying to copy notes and I was wondering if you needed any help. Maybe we could hang out and study? I'm doing pretty good in history and I've had concussions before. I know how stressful it can be."

I smiled. "You'd really help me? I'm like points away from failing his class."

"Of course I would," Evan said. "You could come over, but if you're still supposed to be on close watch, my mom would probably drop me off at your house."

I grinned. A boy who wasn't Jacob or Kota invited me to his house. "Umm, I'm still supposed to be watched. My parents work late, so I'll have to ask my brother if you can come over."

"Awesome," he said as I peeled the sliding door back open.

"Uhh, Josh?"

He turned towards me and smirked. He was probably listening to my conversation. "Could Evan come over and help me study?"

Ryan smirked too. "What makes Evan a better study partner than us?"

I ignored him and gave Josh the puppy dog eyes. He sighed and smiled. "It's fine."

I smiled at him and went back out on the deck. "My brother said it was okay."

"That's awesome. Just text me your address and I'll be over in like twenty minutes."

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