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"Good Morning" a husky voice wakens you. "I see you couldn't keep your hands off me after all"

You lay confused for a few seconds and it's only when you open your eyes that you realise you had somehow ended up cuddled with him.

"Oh god" you whisper, quickly jumping back to your side of the bed. "I-I didn't do that on purpose. Eugh. Morning" you groan, burying your head into the pillow.

"Don't worry I won't hold it against you" he says still sounding extremely smug even in his morning voice.

He gets out, leaving the bed much colder, but giving you perfect view of his ass (and for the guy he has a pretty good ass).

"I've got to pop out for a bit, but I'll be back in about 20 minutes."

About 15 minutes later, you hear his Lamborghini speed off, so you decide it would be the perfect opportunity to have a shower and blast some music, then have a nosey around the apartment.


When Tristan returns, he has the biggest, cheesiest smile on his face.

"Oh don't tell me you just fucked someone? Only people who just got laid can look that cheerful at 10am" you ask, only half joking.

"What, no. Jesus. I've been grocery shopping."

"I can most certainly not imagine pushing a trolley, the only thing you push is yourself into girls" you laugh.

"You really don't have to have a dig at me every opportunity you get you know" he says, the smile now gone from his face as he places the bags on the worktop.

"I'm sorry" you apologise, looking his right in the eyes, which were looking exceptionally blue today.

"I-uh-I got you some things. I asked your friend what kind of food you like, so I basically have a months supply of coco pops, pasta and pizza"

"Awh Tris" you say hugging him, feeling really guilty now, he really was trying and it didn't seem like you were. But from the way his arms wrapped tightly around you, he seemed pretty forgiving.

"And uh.." he nervously laughs "...I got you some lady stuff. Idk how it works but this is what the woman suggested so I assume he's right" he says slightly embarassed as he hands you a box of tampons and a packet of sanitary pads. You can't help but laugh.

"Thanks Tris" you smile at him, laughing inside at the thought of him asking someone about this.

"So, want some coffee?"


"Then I thought we could maybe go see a band playing tonight? My friend manages them so I thought I'd go show my supportand I'd like you to join me" he smiles at you over his shoulder, only enhancing his jawline.

"I've love to."

Dangerous Evans (Imagine Version)Where stories live. Discover now