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"Tristan. I don't know if you're just ignoring me now or what's wrong. But this is like the tenth message I've left and..eugh. It's 4am and I don't know why I'm waiting up for you. Just let me know you're okay. Eugh whatever, bye." you sigh with a mix of worry and anger. You didn't want to sound clingy but the mood he left in made you desperate to know if he was okay. You decided to get make a cuppa and catch up on The Vampire Diaries.


At 5.30am, you hear Tris coming towards the door talking to who you assumed was his friend, but when you hear a girls flirtacious laughter, you quickly run into the bedroom, slaming the door behind you and blocking it with your own body.

"Ssshhh!" you hear Tris laugh. There was no fucking way that he was actually gonna do this knowing you where there. Was he really he that selfish?!

You hear the laughs and kissing drift off into the spare room at the bottom of the hall. Filled with a mix of rage, sadness and disgust, you grab your bag and try to quietly make your way out of the apartment. But your whole body freezes as you see Tris standing in his CK's in the kitchen. Every inch of you wants to run for the door but it's impossible.


"Y/N, fuck, I-uh, shit. Where are you going? Uh" he mumbles. Where the fuck did he think you where going? As if you were about to stay in the same apartment of this sleaze!

"Anywhere but here obviously. I'll gather the rest of my stuff tomorrow." you explain, finally finding the strength to make your way to the door.


"What no! Please! No. Just let me explain. Stop please, y/n"

"Forget it Tristan. You've ruined already. But whatever" you shout, trying to keep the tears from escaping.

Tristan runs towards you, shutting the door infront of you, pinning your body against it with his. "I'm so so sorry. Please don't go. I'm sorry. I'll make her leave" he begs.


"I don't understand Tris. One minute you were telling someone that you needed me and wanted me to stay" you shake your head, "then you have the selfishness to come home drunk with some girl. What is wrong with you!"

"I don't know. Just please don't leave. Please y/n."

"It's too late Tris" you say, pushing him off you and managing to get out the door.

"I NEED YOU Y/N PLEASE" you hear him shout as you make your way to the elevator.

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