chapter three

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So, it's been a while huh?

I read all your comments and I appreciate you guys leaving them! It makes me motivated to keep writing. :)

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T H R E E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"Can I have a dollar?"

"What for?"

"I'm hungry."

"No, use your own money."



"Come on, you know you love me."

"Go away."

Allie pouted at him. James tried hard not to wince at her failed attempt at a puppy dog look. She pressed her forehead against the vending machine, staring at the gummy worms packet with a sullen look.

"My stomach's been making noises for the past hour." she whined.

James rolled his eyes. "Then buy some food so you can eat, genius."

"I don't have any," she admitted, quietly. "I dropped my purse back at the lab."

"Aww..." he mocked her, pursing his lips, "Poor little Allie had lost her money."

She elbowed him in the gut —making him zip his mouth. Allie glared at her brother, "Can't you just lend me a dollar? I promise I'll pay you back."

He rubbed at the sore spot, letting out a groan, "Why do you even want—whatever those are. They don't look the food that could fill an empty stomach."

Allie gasped, looking completely horrified. "What did you say?"

James arched an eyebrow, "Did I say something wrong?"

"How dare you!" she glared at him. "Gummy worms are for everyone, you hear me?"

"I'm just saying that they don't look like the type that could satisfy your appetite," he said nonchalantly.

She stared at him in disbelief, shaking her head, "I'm ashamed to call you my brother."

"Excuse me?" he gaped.

Allie held out a palm, ushering him to hand over the bill, "Gimme the money. Now. I'm not letting this opportunity pass without you getting a shot of a gummy worm."

He scrunched his face, taking out his wallet. "I'm pretty sure I'll be fine not eating—"

She shot him a glare.

James stopped short, gulping. "Yes ma'am." he could only say.

Allie smirked triumphantly. She inserted the dollar bill into the vending machine and pressed the button beside the gummy worm packet. She waited until it fell down to open it. With a grin, she gestured for James to try one.

"Here," she said, with an outstretched hand.

Hesitantly, he went to take one when he felt the slimy texture of the gummy worms and quickly retracted his hand. "Gah!" he exclaimed, shaking off his hand. "You expect me to eat this?"

She rolled his eyes. "It's good just try it—"

James on instinct, took a step back. "Nu-uh! Nope!"

"You're being a complete poop. They're not real worms if that's what you're so scared about." Allie said, trying one of the gummy worms. She let the delectable sweetness of the candy fill in her mouth before getting a taste of the sourness running down her throat.

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