chapter twenty-one

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First of all, thanks for all the congratulatory messages, guys!

MY LAZY ASS HAD FINALLY GRADUATED FROM HS AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TF DID I DO THAT BUT HERE I AM. College still scares me tho. To those who're already in college out there, any tips? hihi.


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - ONE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Natasha walked out of that scene faster than she'd normally do even in a mission. Well, she was in a mission alright. A mission to escape everything that had just happened down there.

She stared out the glass window, seeing her own reflection stare back at her as the moon and stars shone above. Her hands darted out to rub her arms. She couldn't help but let out a shaky breath.

This was hopeless. She thought. She was stupid enough to think that she could just easily throw away her feelings for him like she'd done to every piece in her life. That's who she was, and that's how she was made to be.

All her thoughts were thrown out of the bus when she heard the clicking of heels against the floor. Her gaze went to the corner, seeing the dim figure of Allie approaching. She didn't have the usual smile she wore, or the giddiness she always has whenever she was around. She seemed worried, even. "Agent Romanoff?"

"Allie, what are you doing here?" Natasha asked.

Allie walked closer. "I could ask you the same thing. Last time I checked, the party was downstairs, not here."

Natasha smirked weakly. "Well, maybe I just wanted to be lost on purpose."

Allie gave a nod, biting the inside of her cheek subconsciously. "Right," She paused, a beat of silence waved past them. When Natasha didn't speak any further, she went to plop herself down on the couch. She lifted her feet over and stretched, making herself comfortable. She noticed Natasha giving her a look. "What?"

"Don't you want to have some fun on a weekday night? Maybe even share a dance with that agent you've been batting your eyelashes at?" Natasha said, obviously teasing while keeping a straight face.

Allie almost choked at the latter part of her question. Her face flushed, and she sat noticeably more straighter. "I did have some fun." she defended.

Natasha now looked at her, raising a brow in amusement. "What kind of fun?"

Allie even turned redder. "If you must know, I'm an innocent bean."

"Oh, please." Natasha scoffed, "How old are you? Seventeen? Eighteen, right? Trust me, I know enough to know whether that's still-what did you call it? Innocent bean stage."

Fifteen, actually. But she doesn't need to know that. Allie kept her lips pressed in a thin line. If she only knew how awkward this was to talk about with her own mother for gosh's sake!

"Cut it out." Allie glared at her, crossing her arms.

Natasha wasn't the least bit fazed, she laughed even, shaking her head. "Kids."

Allie rolled her eyes. "You really want to keep standing? Because if you do, be my guest."

Natasha tilted her gaze, narrowing her eyes with a trace of the slightest smirk on her coated lips. It was subtle, but it was something. "So, you're sassing me now, huh? That's new. Nobody's got enough guts to sass me. Except Stark probably."

She thought she was mad, but no, she just looked... impressed. Well, at least it was enough to catch her attention, and hopefully, steer the conversation to the topic she wanted to talk about all along.

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