bonus chapter: a mother's day special

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I know I'm probably a day late but... better late than never right? 

WARNING: No smut but there is a quite a make-out session so... YOU WERE WARNED.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ bonus chapter: a mother's day special ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Steve Rogers had trouble sleeping again.

They were currently staying at Clint's when he had invited them to spend the weekend at their house for the upcoming celebration of Mother's Day. He vaguely dropped that it was Laura's idea after all, not his.

Well, of course, his best friend whom he treats like a sister is staying at his house with her husband while they share the same room. Remind him again how is this not an awkward idea after all?

It's not like this was their first time visiting. It had been almost seven months since Steve and Natasha got married and in just over a short period of time, Steve had already managed to capture most of the Barton kids' affections and approval for being their Auntie Nat's husband.

It means a whole lot to Steve. Especially he knew how much the Barton family means to Natasha, and how much she means to them.

Not once had he felt out of place in this family. That's why he couldn't understand why he had so much trouble sleeping at all. He twisted and shifted his weight on their bed, careful not to wake Natasha up. After about an hour of lying there with no progress at all, he gave up.

Apparently, he wasn't too smooth as he thought.

"Steve?" Natasha reached for the empty space beside her, her eyelids slowly fluttered open. She saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's the matter?"

He looked back at her, despite her hair being in a tangled mess she still looked as beautiful as ever.




"Come here. Get back to bed." she slurred, only half awake.

Steve sighed, "I can't sleep."

"C'mere." she gestured, reaching for him, "Stay with me."

He grabbed her hand, rubbing his fingers over it smoothly. "I've been lying awake for an hour now, Nat. I probably need to get some air."

Natasha's eyes were shut but her voice was every ounce filled with concern. "Want me to come with you?"

He shook her head when he realized she couldn't see him. "No, it's okay." He could tell she was still tired and sleepy and decided to give her the rest she needed. "I won't be long."

"You sure?"

He leaned over and brushed the strands of hair away from her face, tucking it beside her ear. He saw the edge of her lips turn upwards at the display of affection. "I'm sure." His eyes shifted over to concern when he recalled her situation last night. "Are you feeling better?"

"A little." she muttered, "Head still hurts."

"We really should go to a doctor." he said, worried, "It's been like this for how long? Two weeks?"

"One and a half." she corrected.

"Oh, that makes it any better," he said, flatly. He took her irritated groan as a disagreement and tried to convince her otherwise, "Come on love, I'm worried. Headaches are not normal when they're becoming frequent for a week now."

"Shh...'m tired."

He sighed in disapproval, being the stubborn spy that she is, she always tries to make excuses by brushing off the fact she's fine. For the first few days, Steve (reluctantly) decided to buy it, but when her headaches are going on for almost weeks now, he couldn't stand doing nothing about it anymore. "Nat..."

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