e p i l o g u e

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omg i can't believe i'm already writing the epilogue for this book :<


additional cast:

olivia rodrigo — morgan stark
cole sprouse — francis barton

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ E P I L O G U E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

The bright fluorescent lights from the ceiling met with Allie Rogers' face. She winced, groaning incoherently as she tried to shield her eyes. She rolled over to the other side, jolting awake as soon as her forehead collided with a hard surface. 

"Ow..." she hissed, hand reaching up to rub the sore spot as her eyelids slowly fluttered open. Her head was still spinning when she tried to sit up.

Allie observed her surroundings, face contorting to confusion. She then heard someone mumbled and followed the voice, gaze landing on the sight of a sleeping James lying in a very uncomfortable position across the floor.

Her blue eyes twinkled in puzzlement. What happened?

Then she remembered. Oh, right. Time machine. Time travel— wait.

She gasped and immediately went over to James' side, shaking him awake. "James! Wake up, you doofus!"

James groaned, brushing her off and burying his face deeper into his bicep. "Shut up, Als..."

Allie glared at him. "Fine, have your beauty sleep while we're still stuck in the past."

That got him up as quick as a bat. 

James bolted upright in a second, a piece of candy wrapper hang loosely by his hair. His eyes widened, "Wha—what? It didn't work?"

Allie rolled her eyes, taking the wrapper from his hair and tossing it to the side. "I don't know for sure if it worked." 

James looked around, rubbing his eyes. "Well, if I remember correctly, this looks like the Science lab."

Allie glanced at where the time machine supposedly was. It was still there, yet it looked duller compared to the first time she saw it. It didn't look like it was operational anymore. "We better check out what the outside world looks like."

James snorted in amusement, agreeing. "Yeah, probably a good idea."

They stood up. Taking one last glance at the time machine, both siblings head out the Science lab and proceeded to the hallway.

If it was the Science lab they had just came out from, then it'd mean they're still in Midtown tech... but the hallways were empty. When they passed by the classroom doors, no one was there either—be it a student or a teacher. 

It didn't make sense.

If they were back in their time, where was everyone then?

Allie tugged James' sleeve, whispering worriedly, "Do you really think we're in our time period? It's never been this quiet here."

James looked disturbed too. "I don't know," he shook his head, hurrying his steps, "The sooner we head out the campus, the sooner we'll know."

The two walked briskly, heart pounding faster the closer they get to the entrance doors of Midtown tech. 

Both stopped abruptly when a figure suddenly appeared from the corner, almost colliding into them.

James had to blink before he could process who it was. 

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