chapter twenty-three

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I'm sorry if I'm updating this frequently than Against All Odds. I really want to finish this book and, hopefully, enter this into Wattys2020 if I could.

Anyway, sorry for being MIA for a while! Here's chapter 23!


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - THREE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

James was honest-to-God screwed.

There was no way he could ever lie his way out of this one. With the way Steve was looking at him right now, staring at him like he couldn't believe what the actual fuck is going on—he knew his dad very well, and he knew that his super soldier brain was surely putting the pieces together. Slowly, the blank expression on Steve's face was clearing up, drinking in the realization of what was really happening.

It still didn't stop him from trying to defuse the situation. James averted his gaze, stammering, "I... that's not—I mean—"

Tony stepped in, suddenly laughing lowly as he draped an arm over James' shoulder. "I told you to take it easy on the champagne, kid." He glanced at Steve, who was watching the scene with the most befuddled look you'd ever see on someone. "Don't mind him, Cap. He's saying nonsense."

James furrowed his brows because that was such a lame excuse because Tony just implied he was drunk and being drunk means he should be all whacked out when just seconds ago he was fighting fiiineee, nevertheless, he didn't say anything else.

Steve kept quiet, his lips pressed into a thin line. He still didn't know what to think. What to say.

Suddenly, he felt a sudden jolt of pain along his right side. He grimaced, eyes dropping down to the bright, red gash on the side of his stomach.

It seemed that James and Tony had just noticed it now too. "Crap, you're bleeding." Tony muttered.

Steve almost rolled his eyes. Yeah, you don't say. He expected it to hurt so little because he had far more serious wounds before and the serum helped in healing it, but to his disbelief, this time, the wound really hurt. 

It was bearable but it constantly felt like needles were stabbing the area all over again.

Steve slowly got up, gritting his teeth as he tried not to let the pain get to his head. They still needed to get to Loki. Another roar sounded through the walls, followed by the ground shaking beneath them like before. 

He went to follow the sound, ushering James and Tony to follow.

Along the way, Tony noticed how Steve became more uneasy, how his breathing became more ragged, and how his shoulders became more tensed while he clutched his wounded side. Now, he was getting worried. Steve shouldn't be this affected over a stomach gash like this.

"You alright, Cap?"

Steve said quickly, "I'm fine."

Though he clearly wasn't because the bleeding wasn't stopping the least bit. He shared a glance with James, who looked just as worried—if not, more worried—as he was.

"Nat," Steve suddenly said, making them drop the subject altogether. 

Natasha had appeared from the other hall, looking just as distressed as they were. The bottom part of her gown was ripped off but she was still wearing her heels. She was also sporting a pistol in her hand, and she was breathing heavily like she had just ran a marathon. 

Steve immediately asked, "Nat, where's Loki?"

"I had him cornered," she breathed, letting out a hiss of frustration, "but he did his little party trick of phasing in and out everywhere. Hulk caught him but he just used his scepter again. He's really keen on finding this time machine, Steve."

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