chapter six

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Here's the update guys!

I'm sorry if you think it's taking too long for their children to play matchmaker or something but we just need to build their relationship with the other Avengers and with their parents as well.

As well as the degrading relationship of Staron and Brutasha.

It might take a while... but I promise you the moment it happens it's going to be epic and full of fluff.

You're going to love the plans the two Rogers and their Uncle Tony have in mind for their dear Steve and Natasha.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R S I X ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"Wakey! Wakey!"

James felt a sudden weight at his feet. He peeled his eyes slightly only to get irritated at the person whose voice belonged to.

"Let me have some peace, Allie." he whined, covering his face with a pillow.

She rolled her eyes. "Get up, James."

"Why are you up so early anyway?"

"The alarm went off."

"Oh really? I must've missed it then."

She pulled the sheets off him in one swift motion. "Get up!"

James shot up like a bat and glared at her in the best way he could. "Never do that again."

Then he kicked her to the side, making her lose her balance and fall to the floor. He went back to lie down once more and bury himself in the sheets.

Allie narrowed her eyes. "We need to get to work! Aren't you forgetting we're already officially SHIELD agents?"

"So?" he murmured.

"So you need to get off your lazy big ass and start working it off, James Grant Rogers. Uncle Tony definitely gave us a pile to do," she said, a hint of annoyance was noticeable in her tone.

He lifted the pillow to look at her with doubtful eyes. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," she confirmed.

It took James a full-on ten seconds, contemplating whether to just skip work and lie in this comfy bed the whole morning, or get awfully up and start doing his chores.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. "I'm starting to miss the days where I'd have a beautiful hologram of Melissa Benoist in her supergirl outfit waking me up every morning."

"I didn't know you were a fan of DCEU." mused Allie, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I'm not." he deduced then shrugged, "but she's hot."

Allie scoffed. "MCU has waaaaaay hotter female heroes."

James gasped. "Excuse me but have you seen Gal Gadot as the new Wonder Woman?" He shook his head in disapproval. "I'm embarrassed to call you my sister."


Steve Rogers watched as the two agents went in the elevator, noticing that it had finally granted them access the second it read their fingerprint.

Tony must have probably reworked it already. he thought.

Although, despite being fond of them, there was a strange feeling creeping at the back of his mind whenever he's around those two. He couldn't help but agree with his girlfriend that there was, in fact, something suspicious about them.

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