chapter twenty-five

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Other than the reasons I've stated in the previous chapter as to why I split the final chapter into two halves, I also find it very disturbing that if I ended a book with chap 24 instead of 25...

Or maybe it's just me being OC??? idk?????


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - FIVE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"So," Tony said, coming up to the two siblings and draping his arms over their shoulders, "How are my two favorite nephew and niece doing this lovely morning?"

James and Allie knitted their eyebrows at him.

"What's with the face?" Allie asked, taking note of the bright grin that her uncle had on. It was very weird.

"What face? Oh, you mean this very pleased, glowing, radiating and handsome—"

"Please stop that," she interjected, wrinkling her nose. 

Tony rolled his eyes, but kept the grin on. "I may have some good news."

"I'll take it. I'll take any kind of good news, big or small. I don't care. Tell us!" James said hastily.

"Okay, calm down, Jamester," Tony remarked, pushing James' shoulders afar when he tried to lean closer. "It's about your dad."

"Oh?" Allie's ears perked up, now giving him her full attention.

"And your Uncle Brucie."

"Oh," James echoed, his tone going lower. He had a feeling where this was going, and if it was good news, then he sure hoped it's the kind of good news that he'd like. "Okay?"

"I may have overheard them talking yesterday," Tony said casually.

"About?" Allie pressed.

"About your mom."

James groaned, "Can you please cut to the chase, uncle? I love a good storytelling as much as the next person but, seriously, I can't take anymore of—"

"Bruce knows about them."

Both of them froze, jaws dropping in shock.

"He what?" Allie shrieked, eyes bulging out of its sockets as she started to ramble on, "What did he say? Is he mad? Well, of course he is because mom's his girlfriend. Did he—oh, no. Did he hulk out on dad? Is dad okay?"

James wasn't doing so well either. "When? How?  Does mom know about this? What about Aunt Sharon? I can't believe this."

"Stop! Okay, okay, just stop and let me have silence for at least ten seconds!" Tony exclaimed, rubbing his temples in exasperation. "That's a lot of questions to get in thirty fucking seconds."

James flashed him a scolding glare.

"Oh, don't be such a prude," Tony said flippantly, taking a deep sigh, "Everybody calm down for a second."

Both siblings relaxed, taking deep breaths to calm themselves a bit.

"And didn't you hear me earlier when I said good news? So stop panicking and zip your mouth for a sec and let me talk," Tony retorted.

By ticking each question that they had asked using his fingers, he started answering them one by one.

"Bruce knows about Cap and Nat's feelings. He said that he's known for a long time now, and that he's not particularly okay okay with it but he's okay with it—honestly, I don't even know what the hell that means, but, whatever—and he's not mad. From what I heard, Bruce and Nat have already broken up even before Steve and Bruce had that talk. And, no, he didn't hulk out, which would have been pretty awesome if he did," Tony laughed, ignoring Allie's death glare. "Oh, and yeah, Capsicle's ass is alright."

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