chapter fifteen

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After watching Endgame, I honestly don't know what to do with my life right now.

I'm basically half dead. How 'bout you guys? 

Anyway, I'm finally updating after 14,000,605 years. (lol) Sorry about that! I've been out of my game lately and haven't had the inspiration to write again. 

After watching endgame, I think an update will help each one of us heal our broken souls a little. Just a little bcoz damn it huhu *starts sobbing uncontrollably* 

I can't... I can't...     

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R F I F T E E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬    

"I really am sorry."

"Apology not accepted."

James sighed, "Well, what was I supposed to do? Let my sister take the bullet?"

Allie rolled her eyes. "You did not take anything for me. Look, can we just put this behind us? We're safe and home now and that's what counts right?"

He nodded in Tony's direction. "Try telling that to him."

"I keep forgetting that you're as stubborn as your old man is." he groaned, rubbed a hand over his face. "Can you at least try to not get yourself killed the next time around? Your parents are already going to murder me for letting you go out there. Jeez. Am I that bad of an uncle?"

Allie patted his shoulder. "Aw. Don't feel so bad, Tony! You're a cool uncle."

Tony's face brightened. "Really?"

"Yeah," James agreed. "Much cooler than Dad."

His face fell. "That isn't much of a compliment."


"Everyone in the English-speaking world knows just how much cool Cap is, Jamester." Tony said, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

James raised a brow, looking slightly-offended. "Hey! Dad isn't that bad."

Allie tried to sever the conversation to a more relevant matter. "Uncle Tony, how's the time machine coming up?"

"Oh!" His face lit in recognition. "Do you want to see it? I'm just about done. Just need to do a little rewiring on the cables and it should be good to go."

Both siblings grinned in excitement and relief. "Really?"

Tony nodded. "But first..." He tapped his chin. "Did you bring me those dried mangoes I asked you to?" 

Allie smiled. "All five packs of them."

Tony beamed. "Alright, to my lab then!"



"Cool, huh?"

The siblings have no words to describe how the time machine even looks. They were completely struck at how complex and hard it must have to build just by staring at it now.

"How did you..." James trailed off, "You did all these in just a week?" He couldn't believe it. He knew his Uncle Tony was a genius but not this much of a genius. It was extremely impressive.  

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