chapter twenty-two

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I know my chances are slim to none, but I'm trying to finish this book before the period of submission for Wattys2020 is done, haha! Yeah, really far from happening because of my laziness.

Anyway, here's chapter twenty-two! Prepare because this is a long one!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - TWO ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"That's it. It's over. We're going to fade out of existence."


"And my hand's going to fade like Marty McFly."


"Am I slowly disappearing? I think my head's shrinking."


James immediately ceased, looking at his sister with wide eyes. Allie, on the other hand, was the entire opposite of him. She would've laughed at her brother's drama breakdown if it weren't for the situation they were in.

Allie stared at him blankly. "You're not dying."

"Are you sure?" James asked again.

She fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Yes, but if you ask me that one more time you will by my hand."

That seemed to ease him a bit. He sighed, "I'm sorry. I didn't know you and mom were there."

"It's fine. I didn't notice dad was there too." Allie's shoulders slumped, a small frown traced her lips. A beat passed before she spoke again, "Did you talk to dad?"

"I was going to but I couldn't find him anywhere. Then I saw him eavesdropping on you. Well, I didn't know he was eavesdropping." he reiterated.

Silence ensued over them. They stood beside each other in a dim hall, backs pressed against the wall.

Allie's eyes darted up the ceiling. She felt hopeless. "I feel like we've accomplished nothing."

"We've done a few things." he muttered.

She let out a sarcastic laugh. "Sure, we did."

He pursed his lips, giving a small shrug. "We got dad and Aunt Sharon to break up."

Allie glanced at him, eyes almost glistening. "It's not enough." Her lip quivered. James immediately turned to her, feeling his heart clench.

Just a minute ago, he was the one having a mental breakdown (quite exaggeratingly), but seeing his sister like this? It was different. He knew Allie was a tough nut to crack, so seeing her in this state really nerved him. He was the big brother; he should be the one finding the solutions, protecting his sister.

If only...

He clamped a hand over his face. What more could they do?

"I know she loves him." Allie blurted. "She loves him, James. She told me herself."

James glanced at her. "I know that. And I know that dad loves her too. If their feelings are the only thing getting in the way, then it's not the case here."

Allie blinked her tears away. There was no time to cry, they needed to be strong for this to work. If they wanted to live, they were going to have to try everything. It may be their last chance. "They just need one final push. We have to make them see that they're meant to be together."

James almost snorted. "We need a miracle for that to happen."

"Then we'll make the miracle ourselves! We have to!" Allie cried out.

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