chapter eight

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Sorry it took me a while to update again.

Wattpad's been pretty wonky these past days and it was holding me back from updating my chapters.

Anyway, the next update would be a new chapter of Against All Odds! Be ready for it! >:)

Anyway, the next update would be a new chapter of Against All Odds! Be ready for it! >:)

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▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R  E I G H T ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

"It's weird isn't it?"

"What is?"

Natasha looked up from the SHIELD files she was arranging to Sharon, eyebrow arched. The blonde girl was staring at something from across the room. Following her gaze, Natasha let out a breath, shaking her head before resuming what she was doing.

"It's not weird at all," she responded.

"But, Natasha, look at them." Sharon pressed, jerking her head at the siblings. "Don't deny what's obvious."

"Nothing is obvious, Sharon."

"You're just in denial. I mean, come on, haven't you noticed how identical James is to Steve?"

Natasha couldn't help but snap, "So identical that you just had to flirt with him during your sparring match?"

"I had a purpose," she said, defensively. "I just wanted to know if I could trust him."

"By pinning him down and hitting on him?" 

Sharon stiffened. 

"Does Steve even know about this?" asked Natasha.

She was hesitant to answer.

Natasha sighed, already knowing the answer. She closed the files she had been looking at. "You shouldn't have done that. You know how much it would hurt Steve if he had seen you guys."

Sharon couldn't help but notice the concern in her tone. She was surprised at how much she sounded caring enough for her boyfriend's sake. It made her shift uncomfortably.

"I know, it was a wrong move. I guess I got too amazed by the fact he's exactly like Steve. I thought I could know more a lot about them because I was really suspicious about them." Sharon slumped back in her seat, "I was trying out your style."

"Flirting to get information is a skill that requires a long time to master," Natasha said, crossing her arms. Her face fell slightly, "And it's not a skill I'm proud of. I haven't done it since I got together with Bruce."

"I'm sorry," the blonde sighed, steering the conversation into a new topic, "What made you trust them so easily though? Everyone knows it's hard to get the Black Widow trust them."

Natasha couldn't help but agree. "That's the thing... I don't even know myself. I just do."

"Just trust your gut?"

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