chapter nine

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Hi guys! Sorry it took me a while.

Please make sure to read the a/n below.

  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R  N I N E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬  

"No. No. No!"

"Keep it down, James!"

"What is he doing— oh God, is he gonna... I think he's gonna— oh no! Holy fu—"

"Language, kids."

"But it's his arm! Are you not seeing this? How can you guys be so calm?"

"And how can you be so fidgety over this? It's just an arm. Stop acting like you've just shit your pants!"

"Again, language! Jeez, kids! The old man wouldn't like hearing this!" Tony reminded, perching his wielding goggles over the top of his head.

"Don't look at me! Look at Allie! She has the foul mouth over here."

Allie rolled her eyes at the sight of his brother, who currently had his eyes glued to the big screen. 

"I'm sorry. My emotions got the best of me." she apologized.

They were spending their lunch break with their Uncle Tony and was initially planning to talk to him about their 'matchmaking plans' for their parents — only to end up watching a movie instead.

James was seriously attached.

"You guys seriously haven't watch that? At least one of the films?" asked Tony, astonished.

They shook their heads in response.

"Nope," James still did not spare him a glance. "And I'm starting to regret that decision."

"These films are ancient. When were these released like... late 70's? And we live in the year, 2037. That's quite a huge time gap you know." Allie pointed out.

"But still!" Tony exclaimed, stopping what he was doing. "Star Wars are like the best Sci-Fi movies in the history of mankind! In the whole world, even! I can't believe your parents didn't make you watch those! And this is a big thing coming from me considering I understand the language of Science."

"I can see that pretty clearly now." Allie said, but her tone was every ounce serious.

She looked at James whose eyes were now the same sizes are oranges.

"Man... why did Luke got to have his arm cut off?" he whined.

Allie went over to sit beside him, "Scoot over." she propped her feet on top of her brother's legs. They both watched in silence.

"There is no escape! Don't make me destroy you. Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You've only begun to discover your power! Join me, and I will complete your training! With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict, and bring order to the galaxy."

"I'll never join you!" 

"If only you knew the power of the Dark Side. Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father." 

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