chapter seven

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It's our Christmas Vacation in school so...

I have more than enough time to update! I'm spending my time writing chapters for my stories because I know I won't have time to write anymore once school starts again.

So... yeah, I'm already giving you guys a heads-up. 

Forgive me if I decided to update this frequently than Against All Odds. xD

I'm still trying to figure out how to write the fight scene between Nat and Steve because I want it to be intense.

In the meantime, I'll give you Chapter seven!

  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R S E V E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬   

"So you want us to lock them in a closet until they admit their feelings for one another?" 

"Pretty much," said Tony, fiddling with the electric wires that were composing the time machine.

"That's so not going to work." Allie chided.

Tony scoffed, grabbing a screwdriver and pointed at her. "Don't judge my matchmaking skills."

"As if there's anything to judge at all." she retorted.

"Allie," James warned. 

"What? It's true." she defended, crossing her arms.

"Yes, it is. But it doesn't mean you can just talk back. He may be a smug smartass—"

"I heard that," Tony interjected, frowning.

"But he's still our uncle. And he's still the elder." James reminded, taking a seat at one of the stools. "And dad always tells us to never disrespect them, remember?"

"I swear you are like a carbon copy of spangles," Tony remarked, shuddering at the thought. "Righteous, respectful, obedient, modest, damn... now all we're missing is for you to wear the tights and shield, Jamester."

"Gee, thanks, Tony." James said flatly. 

"Can we get back to the main problem at hand?" Allie asked. 

Tony continued on what he was doing, not glancing at the two as he speaks, "Well, I'm out of ideas kid. If you think my ideas are complete shit then I'll stop talking and let you do your own thing." 

Allie sensed the iciness in his tone and it almost made her feel guilty about the way she snapped at her uncle earlier. He definitely knew how to play the guilt card and she had a soft spot whenever it comes to this.

"I didn't say it's bad." she countered.

"But you weren't exactly swimming your way to say yes, Alianovna." Tony chastised.

Allie cringed at her full name, "Look, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just... I just really want this to be all over."

Tony was still not looking at her. "Okay," he said nonchalantly.

"Uncle Tony..." she sighed, "I'm really sorry."

"Forgive her, uncle. She just really misses a certain— ow!" James stopped short when he felt Allie pinch his arm painfully.

"Be quiet," she growled.

"It's true is it not?" James smiled amusingly at her.

"Shut up, James."

He then started to sing, "Allie and I-can't-say-his-name sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-Ioof!"

Allie then shoved him towards the corner of the room. He landed on a pile of boxes and equipment. It looked very painful.

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