chapter thirteen

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Probably the last update I'll do for a while since school already started.

I'm going to be busy again for the next weeks so, I'm really sorry! But I'll try to update as soon as I can!

  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T H I R T E E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Right after they had blown up one of their tanks, all hell broke loose.

The soldiers were doubling up in massive numbers more than ever. They were firing everywhere, screaming in a language they couldn't comprehend, and they were at a slight disadvantage when they were being held back at the front lines. They couldn't advance.

"Tony!" Steve yelled through his earpiece, dodging another blast from the grenade that one of the soldiers just threw. "We need the location now! We can't hold all these soldiers for long."

"Keep your pants on, Capsicle. I'm on it. Hold on."

Natasha kept close to him, as he was providing cover for the both of them. He concentrated on taking out the soldiers advancing on them while she shot the ones across the line. And not once did she miss a shot.

"Cap, we're not getting anywhere if we stay here," she said. 

"That's why we need the location on the hostages now." He replied, making sure to emphasize it so Tony would hear him. He smashed his shield on one of the soldiers and leaped in the air to aim a kick to the two more behind him. "Sam, how are you guys doing there?"

"How do you think?" Sam asked, sarcasm dripping off his tone. There were a couple of explosions heard from the other side of the comm. "Hate to burst your bubble, Steve, but splitting up may not be your best idea."

Steve sighed, obviously thinking the same thing too. "Have you guys found anything? Tony's being a slow ass for taking so long."

"Hey!" The said billionaire protested. "You should know that this thing takes quite a long to do. Hacking into a foreign country's security files is complicated enough, but hacking through a terrorist group's files in a foreign country is much more than that."

Natasha grunted in disapproval. "Stop your rambling and just tell us what we need to know, Stark." 

From the corner of her eye, she saw the fellow agents having trouble to grasp for cover. Allie and Page were pressed behind a wall, reloading their ammo while Whitmore and James were crouched down behind a truck, covering for them.

Her eyes then drifted off to one figure shifting above them, leaning over the roof of a building while his rifle was aimed clearly on one of them. On instinct, she switched her tactics and fired a shot at the man. Her aim was a bit off, only managing to hit his shoulder. He dropped his rifle over the roof.

"Got it! The hostages are two miles up north from where you guys are. They're being kept in a warehouse." Tony informed them.

"On it," Steve said. "We're heading there now."

"Copy that," Clint responded, shouting over the comm. "WhaWilson! Stop using your wings! You're not a damn bird! You'll get shot the second we crossed the borders."

"Like your arrows are any better! They'll probably stick it in our asses once they got a hold of one of those." Sam returned.

"Shut up!" Natasha demanded, stopping them both at once.

"Eyes on the targets, guys." Steve reminded, catching his breath while he jumped over the hood of a car and slid down to get to the agents. He saw them bring out another tank, this time, much bigger than the others. The missile that was aimed at them looked a lot deadlier too.

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