chapter fourteen

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Hi guys! -Allie and James

Hi guys! -Allie and James

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  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬  

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  ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R F O U R T E E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬  


The blonde turned around and saw the archer struggling to lift a couple of boxes. He could barely see his head over the pile. "Need help?" he asked, already moving and taking one at the top. "What's in these?"

Clint grunted, careful not to drop it. "Our stuff. Ammo." 

James took a peek, and sure enough, it's filled with that. There were even a couple of pistols inside.

"Help me put it on the jet," Clint said.

Box by box, they began packing up their stuff so they would be good to go. They were supposed to land back at the compound in approximately thirteen hours from now. It was a long flight. And they needed to make sure they got everything they need.

"You heard any word from Tony yet?" His uncle asked him.

James shook his head, placing the box on the shelves. "Not since the mission ended. Why? Did you?"

"Oh, yeah." He said in amusement. "He's worked up. Worried as hell even if he tries hard not to admit it. Is he really like this in your time?" 

"Not that I know of. I mean, yeah, he worries, but not this worried." He sighed, "But maybe because I did promise him I wouldn't do anything stupid."

Clint quirked a brow. "Did you?"

James turned to him, confused. "What?"

"Do anything stupid?"

"Yeah..." He said, slowly. As if reminding him of what just happened. "I ran into a collapsing building without thinking of the consequences. I was lucky to get myself and the girl out. They could've fired a bomb on us or something and make things worse."

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