chapter twelve

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Oh my God... I'm so sorry I took so long to update this. I was just having trouble to write this chapter because of all the action sequences involved.

And the depression I'm feeling from watching IW is still not going away so yeah... I'm screwed. Someone help me. T.T

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R  T W E L V E ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬        

"Oh my God! Did you see the way she looked at me when I did the little leg-lock she always does?" she shrieked.

"Yup, mom's eyes were as wide as saucers."

"And dad too. He gaped like a fish when he saw us both in action. Especially that time when we reenacted what he and mom did in the Battle of New York." 

"Ah, the one where she jumps off his shield?" he asked.

She nodded, "Yeah, really took them off by surprise. Which I think was a mistake because they got even more suspicious."

"Don't worry, Uncle Tony told them we just idolize them too much." James assured.

Allie hummed. "Or maybe it's also because of the fact we actually defeated ten soldiers, five aliens, eight robots, and a giant duck in less than thirty minutes."

"The duck was creepy as hell though."

Allie and James were currently triumphing over the fact that they had just managed to pass their simulation tests and get their parents' approval for joining them on the mission (though with a great deal of reluctance at first). Tony was very proud of them.

Both Rogers shared a high five before heading straight to their room to pack the things they needed for the mission.

On their way upstairs though, the two managed to pass by the main office of SHIELD HQ. From the corner of his eyes, James could see that his sister was subtly trying (cue the word trying) to search for a certain someone in the crowd.


"Hm?" she answered, but obviously her attention was somewhere else.

He had to roll his eyes at her ignorance. The first few times were fun but this was just going to go way out of hand.

James snapped his fingers in front of her, making her look at him pretty quick.

"What's up with that face?" Allie asked, startled.

James sighed, running a hand through his air. Just how was he going to explain this lightly to her? "Look Als, I know you're not a fan of long talks like this so I'm just gonna cut to the chase."

Allie kept quiet, urging him to go on.

He placed his hands in his pockets, nodding at the direction of where she was formerly looking at earlier. "I'm not a fool to not know that you're interested in this guy."

She snorted, trying to dismiss the fact out of hand, "Oh, please, James. You know that's not true."

"It's not?" he raised an eyebrow, quizzically.

Allie bit her lip, fidgeting slightly.

"Okay, maybe a little."

"So you are interested in him."

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