chapter eleven

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Thank you for all your comments and votes!

I told you that I'd update more often now ;)

   ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R E L E V E N ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬      

"Come on Allie, focus."

"I am trying to focus."

"Just take your stance, keep your eyes trained on the target then... release."

The arrow sped like lightning and tore through the punching bags, missing the target by at least a foot away. 

Allie groaned in annoyance, "This isn't going very well like I expected."

"It's alright, you'll get the hang of it." Clint assured, walking over to take the arrow out of the punching bag. "James is doing a good job."

She looked over her shoulder and saw her brother hitting the target accurately in the center. If there were any missed shots, she suspected that the farthest ones were just at the edge of the target plane itself— unlike her, whose closest shot didn't even make into the target.

"Archery's not really my thing..." Allie let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well, it's not an option. It's got to be part of your basic training." Clint asserted, taking the bow from her and inserting the arrow, "Your mom would surely kill me if she founds out I've been teaching you guys my thing, but it's better safe than sorry. You guys might need it some time."

"Oh yeah, about that," she started, "Did you ever have that gut feeling about us before we ever told you about..."

"To be honest? Except for the fact that you guys look like clones of them, no. Not a damn clue." he answered.

"Not once?" she raised an eyebrow.

Clint handed her back the bow, "Not once." He offered her a smile, "But now I know, I feel pretty stupid that I haven't figured it out earlier. You guys look so much like them, and I don't mean that just in a physical looks sort of way."

"Thanks?" Allie said.

"Keep practicing, kiddo." Clint ruffled her hair before going over to James.

Allie fixed her hair where his uncle just messed up. As she glanced over to where James was, being greeted by the sight of their uncle praising him and James smiling in return — she couldn't help but smile. She was glad that their uncles didn't change a bit in their time; thinking that she was very lucky to have them as her family.

"Allie! Get back to work!" Clint reminded her.

She snapped out of her daydreaming, "S-Sorry!" Even in what was probably her twentieth attempt of shooting, she still couldn't even make it inside the target. "God, what is the matter with this thing?" she whined.

"Need help?" she heard James approach her.

"I'm fine, go away."

"You sure?"


"Are you really really sure?"

"A hundred and one percent. Stop annoying me, James. I know you're good at it so you don't have to rub it in." she snapped.

James raised his hands in surrender, "I'm just offering to help. Jeez, girls are so confusing. You offer help and they get mad. You don't offer help, and they still get mad."

Allie sighed in annoyance, glaring at him, "Are you done?"

"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just watching you do your thing, Als."

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