chapter twenty-four

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I'm keeping my word that I'm going to be updating the LAST CHAPTER.

What I didn't realize was how I wanted everything in this story to have a closure. Including some supporting matters (u'll know about it as you read on).

So I split the last chapter into two parts: chapter 24 and 25!!

But it's a double update because I luv u all so much! Mwah!

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - FOUR ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Steve thought he was dreaming. He probably still is.

He always wondered what it's like to finally and really kiss someone you love. Sure, he kissed Peggy before. With her, it was the closest thing he felt to love. It felt nice; kissing her made him feel soft and warm on the inside.

With Sharon, though, it was different. It was more of a friendly, gentle type of love rather than a genuine one. In some ways, it felt wrong than he ever was with Peggy. It felt forced. Probably, a smart decision on why he chose to end it when the only reason he had left to be with her is because Sharon reminded him of Peggy, and he felt horrible. He was a complete prick because Sharon didn't deserve that. 

And she certainly didn't deserve to be a cover-up for his growing feelings for a certain redhead.

He thought he'd be able to forget everything; to hide his feelings in the deepest parts of his guarded heart. He was hurt before but he forced himself to let go and move on because as long as Natasha was happy, then he was happy. He thought she was happy with Bruce.

Apparently, he was wrong. They both were.

Because he'd just found out that she loves him. She loves him. Just as much as he loves her.

Steve held her tightly in his arms that night, not letting go as if she was going to break the second he did. "Stop being so hard on yourself, Nat." He muttered softly, "I hate seeing you like this."

Natasha let out a chuckle yet sounding every bit sad. Her voice muffled through his chest. It made his stomach do somersaults just thinking about how close she was to him; how intimate everything around them now is.

She glanced up at him through her lashes. "Steve I..."

"It's okay. You don't have to say anything," he assured.

"But I—" Her mouth opened and closed again. She struggled to find the right words, a slight hesitation written all over her face. She settled for sighing instead, keeping silent.

Then, taking him by surprise, she leaned in and captured his lips.

Steve was momentarily stunned but after a few seconds, he succumbed to the kiss and deepened it. Her arms moved up to wrap themselves around his neck, bringing him closer to her while his hands brushed her waist, then her lower back.

He suddenly felt conscious because the thought of Natasha being way more experienced than he was pushed its way to his mind. Was he doing okay? Was this the right way of kissing someone? He vaguely remembered her implying that he needed practice so... oh, screw that. 

He tossed all of his insecurities aside and tried to focus on Natasha instead. All he knew was that it felt breathtaking kissing her. He felt complete, alive, and whole again. He knew it was cheesy but when you finally and really kissed someone you love? It's a whole new experience. There'd never be enough words to describe exactly what it feels like.

Kissing Peggy was amazing but kissing Natasha? It felt like he was dreaming.

But suddenly, the image of Bruce and Natasha together appeared in his mind, and it made him pull away.

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