Chapter 1

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"Honey! Wake up! Your prince charming will be here in a few minutes!". Mom is my alarm clock everyday, yes. She knocks on my door so loud. I bet my door will be broken soon, urgh. I tied my hair and got up. I'm seriously lazy, so yeah. I didn't fix my bed. I went to the bathroom and had a 10-minute shower. The water was warm, for the first time. "Shoot, I forgot my towel". I ran to my walk-in closet and dried myself there. Since I was in a hurry, I decided to wear a pink vintage V-Neck shirt, a black skinny jeans and my pink sandals. Since my hair was still wet, I ran to mom's room to get the blow dryer. It was dry, and I just brought 2 clips with me.

The sound of the doorbell rang.

"Gaile, would you get that for me? Thanks!"

"Okay, mom." as I grabbed my iPhone and my earphones, I ran downstairs to open the door, and it was Harry.

"Hi gorgeous!" he said as he fixed his jacket. 

I bursted out into laughter, butterflies in my stomach? Maybe. "Haha! Come in!" I smiled at him. I placed my iPhone on the tableran upstairs to fix my bed or else mom would be so angry by the time I arrive home.

I went back downstairs and saw Harry using my iPhone.

"Dude, put that down" I glared at him, but bursted into laughter after.

"Oh, who's this Mika? She looks pretty!" he stuck his tongue out and smiled at me.

"Mika? Oh, Mika Watson. Yeah, she's my bestfriend too, y'know." I winked at him.

It's quarter to 7AM and we need to get going. I texted mom instead, so I got my iPhone back from Harry and texted mom.

To: Mommy

Mom! We're going to school ryt now. See you later. I love you! :*

I slid my phone into my pocket, got the house keys and opened the door for Harry.

School was three blocks away from my house. So it's okay if I wake up late, but apparently, Mom wants me to get up early. This is so unfair.


Harry and I walked slowly, I plugged my earphones in and listened to I Wish by One Direction. It's one of my favorite songs. I was humming until Harry slapped me.

"What the, what was that for?!" I groaned and gave Harry a glare.

"You didn't hear what I just said, haha!" he laughed.

"Okay, it's not funny, but could you repeat what you said?" I rolled my eyes and started scrolling on my phone.

He laughed and laughed, "I was wondering if you could come with me to a restaurant tonight. I'll be meeting with the boys." he smiled, and his smile was charming.

"Of course! I want to see them so badly." I begged.

We got in school, and I proceeded to my locker and Harry proceeded to his. Mika surprised me, and damn. She's so hot. She's wearing a varsity jacket, a blue shirt, shorts and her black vans. The vans I bought for her birthday.

"Babe, you look so hot today!" I said as my eyes were wide opened. Shocked I guess.

"Thanks, nigga." she winked at me and smiled with her dimples.

My phone beeped and I got a message from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey! Why don't you bring Mika with you later? I don't want to see you out of place. ;)

My thumbs flew on the keyboard..

To: Harry

Oh sure, then you'll flirt with her? Haha! Ok, I'll tell her. :p

Okay, things are getting awkward, but I know Harry's going to like her. I'll get jelous for sure. Well, they're my best friends anyway.

"Mik, I was wondering.." I asked as I looked down on the floor.

"Yes?" She leaned closer to me with a confused look.

"If you could go with my with Harry and the rest of the boys tonight. Harry wants to meet you, and he doesn't want me to feel out of place." I giggled like an idiot.

"Wonderful! Absolutely, I'm free tonight, sure. I'll go with you." she smiled and hugged me. Oh, I just love Mika's hugs. I feel protected.


The school bell rang, that means classes are dismissed. My phone beeped once again, and I got a text from Harry and Mom.

From: Harry

Meet u at the cafeteria. Waiting waiting waiting :)

I smiled when I read his text. I feel special. My prince charming is waiting for me, seriously what? Okay, I'm being random again.

I read mom's message.

From: Mom

Harry told me you're going to meet up with the boys? I'll go with u. Kidding, have fun baby girl! Be home before 11:30

Whew, my mom knows I'm a dedicated directioner. I'm lucky to have her, and I love her so much. I replied to her text..

To: Mom

Hahaha! I was about to text you about that! But thanks anyway. I love you, mom!

Message sent, slid the phone in my pocket and saw Mika fixing her locker. I walked to her as fast as I could.

"You ready?" as I popped beside her locker. She closed her locker and gave me a smile. She placed her arms on my shoulder, and I did the same. And sang the song "It's the best day everrrrrrr!". I love Spongebob, too.

Me and Mika walked to the cafeteria, and I saw Harry there. Standing alone while he's scrolling through his phone. I called his name. He looked at me, and he looks shocked. I guess, love at first sight with Mika. Oh, dear. He walks slowly to me, and gave me a hug. I love his scent, I blushed a little.

"So, Gee. Tell me who's this girl beside you?" he smiled like he's in love or something. And he's the only one who's allowed to call me by my nickname, Gee.

"Oh, sorry, this is Mika. Mika Watson, the girl I'm telling you like.. since before." I laughed, but inside I felt jelous.

"I see her here in school, but I'd never thought that she was your best friend!" He patted my shoulder, and messed with my hair. How nice.

Harry turned his direction to Mika, and he smiled. They caught each other's eye.

"Oh, hi Harry!" Mika smiled, and she somehow blushed.

"Nice meeting you, Mika." Harry smiled, and grabbed Mika's hand and kissed her hand.

I'm definitely, jelous. I can feel it. This can't be happening. What if they started to date each other, would I matter to them? So many what if questions in my head.

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