Chapter 2

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It's official. I'm jelous.

We walked out of school, going to Harry's house to get his car. I was between Mika and Harry. Mika was busy texting using her BlackBerry, and Harry was just walking there with me holding my wrist.

I was upset, Harry noticed it. Damn, why.

"Hey love, you alright? You seem upset." Harry's tone was different, he's worried.

"Uhm, yeah. I guess. I'm fine." I faked a smile, and he knows that.

"Oh, come on. You can tell me anything. You trust me, right?" he begged and his eyes were locked on mine.

"Well, I don't know. I'm just.. I'm just hungry." I lied, good think he didn't notice.

"Oh, we're on our way there, don't worry." he smiled as he kissed my forehead. It was a friendly kiss, and I'm used to that. He's sweet. He's protective. He's like a brother to me. He's way different from my brother, Kristian. Kristian would just sit on his ass and play with his iPad all day. He would only talk to me when he needs something from me, and that's kind of rude.. for me.

"Here, I'll lend you my phone. I don't want you upset, okay?" he smiled at me. His dimples, oh my goodness. I kinda blushed.

"Thanks Harry." I winked at him.

We finally arrived at his house. He asked his mom if their driver could drive them to our location. His mom agreed, and his driver took us there. We hopped in the car. Mika sat in the front seat while me and Harry were kicking at the back seat. Harry's head was on my lap. I was playing with his Draw Something until he had a text from Niall.

"Uh, Harry. Niall sent you a message." I said awkwardly.

"Love, could you read it for me?" He said as he did the puppy dog eyes.

"Uh, okay?" as I read Niall's text.

From: Niall

Haz, we're here. U brought Gaile wit u? we can't wait to meet her!

"They're excited to meet you!" he said as he got up and squeezed me by the window.

"Srsly? What should you reply?" I blushed, somehow.

"Uh, tell him that we're on our way, and you brought your best friend with you." He smiled as he glanced on Mika.

To: Niall

Haha! Ok btw, hi. I'm Gaile. I'm using Harry's phone. I brought my best friend Mika along with me, if it's okay. Hoping to meet you soon! x

Harry leaned against my shoulder, while I was looking at the view by the window.

After 3 minutes, the driver announced that we're here. He was looking for a good spot to park in the parking lot.

I saw Niall and Zayn. Niall was wearing a Captain America shirt with his board shorts and Zayn was wearing a Varsity Jacket with his black pants. They both look hot, extremely hot.

"Hey, Mikkers. Look at Zayn, you too look cute. Same varsity jacket, babe." I winked as I teased Mika. I know Mika likes Zayn, she has a huge crush on Zayn. Her tumblr is full of Zayn's pictures.

"Stop it, I'm blushing here. Don't you see?!" she shouted at me.

"Too bad, Zayn's taken. You have to date me instead." as Harry stuck his tongue out, I bursted out laughing. And the car stopped.

"You guys drop off here, oh. By the way, I'm Sean. Call me when you need me." he smiled.

"Sure, thanks!" I high-fived him and we got out of the car.

Harry wants to race with me, going to the front door of the restaurant. And luckily, I won. We were like a choo choo train. He placed his right and left hand on my shoulder, which was pretty awkward.

We entered the restaurant, we were laughing like idiots. And Mika slapped my ass.

"On public, seriously Mika?!" I got embarrassed.

The four boys stood up to hug Harry. Me and Mika were totally out of place.

Harry asked me and Mika to go to his place so that he could introduce us to them.

"Guys, this is my prettiest best friend in the whole world, Gaile. And that happens to be Gaile's best friend, Mika. The one on the varsity shirt." he smiled, "Say hello to them, girls, don't be shy!" he winked.

"Uh, hey!" we smiled, like an idiot.

"Zayn, Zayn Malik." Zayn winked at me, and hand shaked Mika. Mika's blushing, omg.

"Louis William Tomlinson, your honor." Louis bowed in front of us, and Louis gave me a surprise hug. How sweet!

"Niall Horan, yeah buddy." Niall gave us a thumbs up.

"And Liam. Liam Payne." Liam smiled at me, and in fact. He was my first crush in the whole band.

We sat at the VIP room to make sure no fans would interrupt us, and see us eating.


"I want to hang out with Gaile more." Niall and Louis begged Harry.

"I want to hear Mika's stories, oh come on." As Zayn pouted so that Harry could agree on their request.

"But guys, I promised her mom that she would be home before 11. If you want, I can ask her mom if we could hangout tomorrow until Sunday." Harry suggested.

They all agreed, and after 15 minutes, they waved good bye. I gave them all a big hug, and yeah. I was sleepy. Harry walked with me going to the car. Man, he gave me a piggy back. At least, he did. Unlike my brother, Kristian. Mika just walked there going to the car, she kept on texting and texting.

"Who are you texting with?" I asked curiously.

"Harry. Styles." she said even though she was so busy texting Harry.

"You two could just talk, you know." I rolled my eyes and got in the car.

"Uh, dude. My mom's just by the mall. I guess I will just walk going there." Mika said while she was pointing to the mall beside the fancy restaurant.

"You sure you're going to be alright?" I asked with doubt.

"Yeah, of course." she smiled.

"Take care, babe." as Harry kissed her cheek.

I was completely shocked, I stared at the floor. Mika blushed and she skipped to the mall. I remained quiet. Shoot, I can feel the pain. It's like a bullet triggered though my chest. This sucks, this sucks. I thought this was going to be a perfect night.

Harry sat next to me. He asked me to lean on his shoulder.

"Hey, I have something to tell you. But promise me, it's only between us two." he gave me a serious look.

"Spill it out." I looked at him.

"I.. I.. I kinda have feelings for Mika.."

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