Chapter 17

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Gaile's POV

Oh, wow. I used to be that teenager who's been scrolling on tumblr for years, who's best friends with a curly guy, and now ends up together with the hot Harry Edward Styles. I can say that my life is extremely awesome.


*After a week*

I woke up, excited. Yes, we have a flight going to the Philippines. I took a quick shower. I wore Zayn's varsity jacket, my tank top, my mini-skirt and vans. I took my luggage and iPad with me. We were all set. Everyone was ready, so we decided to go to the airport at once.


My mom, my brother and I were at the airport together with the boys and my cousins, Andrea & Robert. Waiting for our flight to the Philippines.

Andrea was beside me, trolling on twitter while I was reading a story on wattpad via my iPad.

Andrea patted my shoulder, "Hey!  Check this out. Niall and Robert, cute right?" I smiled and just nodded.

Andrea's POV

Chillin' at the airport beside Gaile who's reading fanfics on Wattpad. Well, yeah. I understand her. I do read fanfics on wattpad too. I also write fanfics.

I saw Niall playing with my little bro, I secretly took a picture of them. They're so cute! I showed it to Gaile, she just smiled and nodded.

Bet, I'll post this on Twitter.

"@dayDREAmingabout1D: @NiallOfficial together with my lil bro, Robert. I ship RIALL right now. ;)"

I kept my phone, and I caught Niall smilling at me. I smiled back. Oh yes, Niall's cute. I admit.

Gaile's POV

"Flight to the Philippines, please proceed to the boarding gate number 29 in 10 minutes."

I looked at them, and gave them the "let's go" look, they nodded. We stood up, got our handbags and proceeded to Gate 29.


@ The Plane

Since we're traveling with Cebu Pacific, I sat down in between Harry and Niall. Niall was by the window, playing with his iPad. I was in the middle still reading a fanfic on Wattpad and Harry was just leaning on my shoulder.

"You ready, babe?" Harry whispered to my ear. I smiled and continued reading.


After 18 hours, we finally arrived at the Philippines. It's a lovely place. We were at the NAIA airport, getting our luggages.

I spotted our luggages, and we proceeded to the exit area and waited for our pick-up.

We'll be staying at a resort at La Union. Yeah, I know. It's far from Manila. But we got a driver, so we'll be travelling for 4 hours. Our van was white, Toyota brand.

In the van, Liam and Louis stayed on the front seat. Me, Harry and my mom stayed at the 1st row. Zayn and my brother stayed at the 2nd row. And Niall, Andrea and Robert stayed at the very last.

I was beside mom, it was cold. Jet lagged, okay. I was sleepy. I leaned on mom's shoulder, and slept.


"Gaile, we're here." Mom woke me up, I rubbed my eyes and wow. The Philippines is a very relaxing place to go on vacation.

We finally arrived at a resort at La Union. We checked in, and we had 3 rooms. I shared the room with Harry, Niall and Louis.

"This place is lovely!" Louis smiled, and he went to the balcony and stayed there to have some fresh air.

"Oh, it's beach front!" Niall smiled like a happy kid, Harry faced him and said, "Want to dive at the pool?" Harry pointed where the pool was. We all agreed.

I changed into my sundress and bikini, they just wore their usual board shorts. Me and Niall were excited, so we raced to the pool and splashed.

We swam for like... 3 hours, and I feel so tired.

I just sat on the table nearby, and ordered for some chocolate shake. On Friday, we're going to Boracay anyways. I bet the boys will love it there.



Flight going to Boracay. I woke up around 5AM. Our flight was at 7AM, of course. We don't want to be late.

Took a shower, and wore my dress and havaianas.


After hours, around 10AM, we finally arrived Boracay. We landed around 8AM, but we still need to take a van going to the beach.

I love the sand here, and it's my first time to ride a trike. It was fun.

We placed our things in the hotel, and I saw so many directioners at Boracay. Filipinos have dedicated directioners.

"Let's party at the beach later!" Louis suggested, we all agreed. I took a glance at the beach and sand. Here at Boracay, they have white sand and I love it here at the Philippines.

We walked and walked, until we saw this place with people who are drinking shakes. We went in and ordered some shakes.

"I'd like to have the water melon!" Liam and Louis said in chorus. "Chocolate please" Zayn added. "Chocolate too!" Niall begged. Well, we ordered. And to tell you, the shakes are amaZAYN, brilLIAM, fabuLOUIS, extraordinHARRY and phenomeNIALL.

After drinking some shakes, we all ran to the water. We saw 4 directioners playing with some frisbee, they invited us to play with them. Apparently, I don't know how to play. So the boys just played, while I was just chilling with my family.

"Hey, Gaile. We'll just go at the mall, over there. It's far. Just stay with your brother and Robert here, okay?" Mom kissed my forehead and took a walk with Andrea. I bet they're going shopping.

I was with my brother, we sat down on sand. It was 3PM, I guess the sun will set in a few hours.

"Lovely view, isn't it?" My brother murmured as he leaned on my shoulder.

"You know, Gaile. You and Harry are going to be a perfect couple, you know." He murmured, and I just giggled there. I blushed and stared at the beach.

It was nearly 4PM, the sun's about to set. The boys were done playing frisbee, I guess they enjoyed. Harry sat down beside me, looking at the sun.

"Hey, you know what. I'm the happiest man alive." Harry looked at me and smiled. I looked at him, and laughed, "Why?". He paused for a while, he just stared at the sunset, "Because I met a girl like you." he smiled at me, he kissed my cheek and I leaned on his shoulder.

My legs were tired. Harry was tired, Niall was tired, Zayn was tired, Liam was tired. Louis gave me a piggy back going back to the hotel. I fell asleep while I was riding on his back.

After 30 minutes, we reached the hotel. Imagine, Louis carried me for 30 minutes. He's such a strong man. I was very very very sleepy. Good thing our hotel room had 3 bed rooms. I took a quick shower and changed into my vintage lose shirt and cycling shorts. Unfortunately, when I was about to go to bed, I noticed Harry shared his bed with Louis, so I just slept beside my brother in the other room. I was fast asleep.

Harry's POV

It was a very tiring day. Louis was somehow tired, so he just slept beside me. I wished Gaile would sleep beside me, but Louis took her spot. She slept beside her brother instead.

I got up and filled a glass with water, everyone was fast asleep. I was about to sit at the sofa in the living room, but Zayn slept there. He was snoring. So, I stayed at the kitchen instead.

I opened my twitter, my facebook, and after minutes I got somehow bored. I turned the television on and switched channels. Adjustment Bureau was on HBO.

I finished the whole movie, and I realized it was nearly 12AM, so I decided to drag myself to the room and sleep.

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