Chapter 10

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I was extremely shocked. Mika is pregnant, how come. She's dating my best friend, and she used her body with her ex. This pissed me off, a lot.

"Mika, why would you do this to me?" I glared at her. There was silence in the room. I hate it when someone doesn't answer my question, it really pisses me off. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?! DO YOU THINK I'M HAPPY WITH THAT?!". I can't handle this, I can't control my anger. Mika knows that. I calmed down, and asked her, "Tell me the whole story. I won't get mad, just tell me the fcking story."

She shot me a nervous look, I just glared at her.

"Well, I lied to you. I lied to you and Harry. My mom wasn't in the mall. I went inside the mall to meet up with Lorenz. We spent a few minutes there, like 30 minutes. His apartment was just near the mall, so I slept at his apartment. He confessed to me that he still has feelings for me. We did it, and here I am, pregnant. I'm feeling like shit for the past few days, I don't know how to express this to you." tears rolled on her face.

"Good luck with that, you're on your own with that. I feel like shit here." I spat out, she looks shocked. She walked out of the door. I've never been so pissed in my life, until my phone beeped and I've received a text from Niall.

From: Niall

You okay? I'm going in don't worry. I'm the only one here they all went to the lobby.

I replied..

To: Niall

Sure, please. Come in. I need you.

After 2 minutes, Niall went inside the room. Sat beside me, held my left.

"I heard you were shouting a while ago, is everything alright?" he looks worried. I just sighed, letting a tear fall.

"No. Apparently, Mika pissed me off." I wiped my tears away.

"Tell me." Niall begged, I rolled my eyes and asked him if we could share the secret between us only. I don't want anyone to know except Niall. Yeah, Niall is one of my best friends now. And he's the only one I could share my problems with.

"Mika's pregnant." I sighed, he looks shocked. "Harry's not the father. Lorenz is, one of Mika's ex." I added.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Niall looks upset, and filled a glass with water and handed the glass to me.

"She used her body, I don't know. I don't know what to do." I punched the pillow, Niall stopped me. "By the way, thanks for being here. Always." I added, gave a little smile at Niall.


Mika's POV

I walked out of the room where Gaile was staying. I ruined my life. Shit. I regret meeting Lorenz in my life. I got my BlackBerry and texted Lorenz.

To: Lorenz

You srsly ruined my life.

I decided to take a walk somewhere, I saw Harry. He saw me. I am avoiding him. I got out the hospital, I still feel guilty.

Who to trust? I feel like shit right now.


Harry's POV

I saw Mika, she seems pissed off. I need to talk to her, but she's ignoring me. She's avoiding me. What did I do? I decided to go up to Gaile, I took an elevator and pressed the number 6. The elevator opened, and looked for the door which leads to the room Gaile was staying. I knocked on the door, and I see Gaile crying and Niall beside her. I walked inside the room, and stayed beside Gaile.

"Hey, look at me. What's wrong?" I asked, I'm so worried. I hate it when Gaile's sad.

"Niall, should I tell him?" Gaile asked Niall, and Niall nodded. I gave them a confused look, I squinted my eyes. Gaile sighed, the first word that came out of her mouth was Mika. What's wrong with my girlfriend? Have they fought? Did Mika hurt Gaile?


Gaile's POV

I cried, and cried. Good thing Niall was there to comfort me, until Harry came into the room. He walked and sat down beside me. I still cried, I'm pissed off.

"Hey, look at me. What's wrong?" Harry's voice was so low. He's worried.

I turned to Niall, "Niall, should I tell him?" and he nodded. Harry shot us a confused look though.

I sighed and spoke out, "Mika."

"Okay, what about her? You fought?" he looks worried.

"No, maybe. But this will hurt you, a lot. I'm sorry." I covered my face, I can't stop crying.

"Tell me, please." Harry came closer, pulling my hands and wiping my tears.

I sighed once again, took a deep breath. "Mika.. Mika is.. pregnant, okay. She slept at her ex's apartment." 

Harry stared at me, then stared into space. I hugged him, I know he's heart broken. Damn, I hate it when Harry's like this.


Harry's POV

"Okay, what about her? You fought?" I'm still worried about Gaile.

"No, maybe. But this will hurt you, a lot. I'm sorry." Gaile covered her face, I was somehow shocked. I'm still dying to know what happened.

"Tell me, please." I came closer, pulling her hands and wiping her tears. I'm dying to know what happened to them.

Gaile sighed, she took a deep breath, "Mika.. Mika is.. pregnant, okay. She slept at her ex's apartment".

I don't know how I feel right now, I stared into space. I looked up so that tears won't roll down my face. Gaile knew that I was shocked and heart broken, she hugged me.

"I'm sorry." Gaile told me, I gave her a fake smile.

"It's okay, at least you're here." I kissed her forehead, tears were still rolling down my face.

My girlfriend, Mika. Is. Pregnant. How come, why would she do this to me.

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