Chapter 5

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I got upstairs, got my Jansport back pack. The back pack Harry gave me on my 15th birthday. Yes, it's special to me. I use it on important occasions only.

I passed by my brother's room, I knocked on the door 3 times until he pulled me in and gave me a warm hug. It was the first time my brother did this. Usually he would scream and ask me to leave him alone, but no. He changed. I'm quite okay with that. I'm satisfied. I bet mom taught him a lesson after he broke up with his last girlfriend, Deanne. They were together for 3 years. The reason they broke up? Well, my brother cheated on Deanne. He dated another girl, named Alicia. But Alicia and Kristian weren't together. Mom caught them, and yeah. The story goes on.

Anyway, when my brother pulled me in. I gave him an awkward and shocked face.

"Miss me?" I said with the awkward look.

"Yes, after all. You're dating Harry." he threw the pillow on the floor and crossed his arms.

"Aw, haha. We're just plain best friends, that's all. Don't worry, I still love you. Haha, you're my brother. You're important to me even though we fight a lot." I giggled as I hugged him.

"Sorry if I disappoint you sometimes, sorry if I've been so rude to you. Just forgive me, please?" he begged, and he pouted his lips.

"You're by brother, and yeah. I forgive you, don't worry." I winked at him giving him my last hug.

"Oh yeah, happy birthday lil' sis. Love you!" he kissed my cheek. Wow, he's such a sweet brother. I've never seen a brother as sweet as him.

He handed me a box, I opened it. Shit, he bought me an iPad 3. I smiled to the fullest.

"YOU SERIOUS ABOUT THIS BRO?!" I shouted while I was kicking his legs.

"Yeah, haha. It took years for me to earn that." He winked at me.

I could never imagine that my brother would be like this. The Kristian Somers I knew was rude, unkind, messy. But, he changed. Is this for real? This seriously made my day.

I hugged him, until I left his room. I ran downstairs to check on the two boys. Apparently, they're talking to mom. I got my back pack and headed to the front door.

"Be a good girl, okay?" Mom said as she kissed my forehead. Aw, I'm a mommy's girl.

"Yeah, mom. Thanks by the way. I'll be back here on Sunday, okay?" I waved good bye and hugged my mom.

Me, Niall and Zayn hopped into their van. We have separated cars. Niall told me, that I'd be riding with him and Zayn. Louis would ride with Eleanor, Dani & Liam. Harry would be with Mika.

Since the Irish Boy and the Bradford Bad Boy don't know how to drive, Sean drove us going to our location. We'll be heading to California. West Coast, baby. I was excited, yes. We'll be staying on Dani's rest house. At least.

I was on twitter, until I saw Harry's tweet.

@Harry_Styles: With a cutie pie here. I love her, hi @MikaMalik_Styles! :* x

To be honest, I just looked at the window like nothing happened. I leaned on Zayn's shoulder. My eyes were watery, and tears rolled down my face. Niall saw me upset. He placed his head on my lap.

"Hey, look at me. Why're you crying?" he wiped my tears away. I just shooked my head.

"C'mon, Gaile. Something's wrong, you can trust us. Don't worry." Zayn kissed my temple.

I sighed. "Well, you both know that Harry's my best friend right?" I looked at them, and tears were still rolling down. They nodded and they still listened to me.

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