Chapter 7

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"Good Morning, birthday girl." an Irish accent woke me up. Woah, did he just say birthday girl? Oh yeah, it's my 17th birthday. I'm old, okay. I'm fine with that, haha.

I opened my eyes, and I see two heads beside me bunk. It was Zayn and Niall.

"Good Morning!" I smiled at them. Zayn pinched my left cheek.

I got up, went to the bathroom. Took a 10 minute shower, and got dressed up. I'm wearing a blue mickey mouse shirt, my blue shorts and a pair of blue havaianas. Yes, blue is the color of the day.

My phone beeped, and I was far away from my bunk.

"Hey, Niall. Could you fetch my phone? It's just under the pillow."

He got my phone, and gave it to me. Oh, it's a text from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey, go downstairs. I've got a surprise. x

I rolled my eyes, and I just replied a simple "K" to his text.

I was fixed, and I asked the two guys if they could go with me downstairs. Of course, I don't want to feel awkward because Harry's there waiting for me. Zayn escorted me going down the stairs, and there I saw Harry standing with a boquet of flowers.

"Happy Birthday." he smiled at me as he gave me the flowers.

"Thanks." I smiled too, of course. I don't want to be rude.

"Sorry, sorry if I've hurt your feelings." he looked down and stared into space.

"Okay, what?" I gave him a confused look.

"You've been ignoring me last night. I have no idea what it's all about. I was shocked that you gently pushed me away when I gave you a hug. We never fought like this before. I can't sleep last night thinking about you. Please, can we bring our friendship back? You're my best friend in this whole world. I promise I won't do anything to make you sad again." he locked his eyes on mine, I see his eyes are getting watery. His nose is getting red.

"You know, you don't have to be sorry. There's just so many questions that are popping inside my head. And yeah.. sorry if I was ignoring you." I gave him a hug. I miss this feeling.

He gently pushed me away and handed me a small box.

"Here, open it." He smiled.

I got the small box from him, and I opened it. It was an infinity necklace. The one that's currently on my wishlist. He got the necklace and placed it on my neck.

I blushed, and I saw Zayn and Niall doing a thumbs up. These two are making it obvious. I squinted my eyes. They just laughed there.

"Haha, funny." I glared at them. And they just walked away, they're still laughing. What's up with them?

I remembered Mika. I turned to Harry and gave him a curious look.

"Where's Mika?" I asked him and he pointed to the living room.

I went to the living room and saw Mika there. Sitting on the couch watching Toy Story with Liam and Louis.

"Hey, Mik!" I smiled at her.

Instead of Mika standing, she just looked at me and she continued watching Toy Story. While Liam and Louis stood up and gave me a big hug. That's somehow rude.. for some reasons.

I just went to the kitchen to get some glass of water. I saw Eleanor and Danielle there, they waved at me and greeted me a happy birthday. These two are sweet.

After drinking 3 glasses of water, (I'm that thirsty) I went upstairs and went into the room. Harry, Niall and Zayn was there chilling. I just lied down on Zayn's bed since they're just on the couch playing with the iPad.

I took my phone out, and opened my twitter. Oh, my brother tweeted me.

"@KristianSomers: @GaileeeSomers let's skype :)"

I asked Zayn if I could borrow his Mac and he nodded.

I opened my skype, and I noticed my brother was online. I decided to give him a video call, he answered.

K: Hey nigga, happy birthday!

G: You remembered, what the eff.

K: How are you?

G: I'm fine, you? Where's mom?

K: She went to the grocery. Wish you were here.

G: I will be, tomorrow!

K: Hahaha! Hey, I've got a secret to tell you.

G: Okay.

K: Harry is dating Mika.

G: I knew that since.. yesterday?

K: Really? I'm jelous... joke.

G: Oh really? You like Mika. Don't you?

K: Well, yeah.

G: Alright, you like her. But you're that play boy time.

K: No, never.

G: When you dated.. Deanne, Alicia, Angela...

K: You really have to mention their names one by one? You never changed.

G: Sorry, okay.

K: Haha! It's fine. Hey, I gotta go.

G: Sure, bye bro. Love you.

K: Love you more, have fun on your birthday!

I ended the call and the 3 boys stared at me. I stared at them too.

"Is that your boyfriend?" Zayn gave me a confused look.

"It's my brother, Kristian." I answered him with a smile.

"Oh, okay." Niall added and they just continued with what they're doing.

I turned Zayn's laptop off and just lied down. I can smell his scent, his pillow smells so good.

I was day dreaming, and I got sleepy. So I decided to take a nap.

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