Chapter 19

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Gaile's POV

"GAILE, WHERE AND HOW DID YOU GET THIS? WHY IS MY NAME WRITTEN ON THIS PAPER?!" Oh yeah, that's mom. I knew she's very happy about what she saw when she woke up that morning. I just smiled at her. And she threw a pillow to me. Is she mad or something? I got up, and saw her crying and blushing. "What was the pillow for?" I asked, half annoyed. She looked at me, and just smiled. She gave me a hug. Oh yeah, 1 point for Gaile Somers. I love mom's hugs. 

I then realize it was our last day at the Philippines. We're leaving the Philippines tomorrow. Sadly, we have different flights. Me and Andrea will go with the boys to UK, while Mom and the 2 boys will head back to US.

I sat at the couch at the living room with Zayn and Louis. They were bored. I looked at them, "Would you like to head to the mall with me?" I asked them, they smiled and got their wallets. I took a quick shower and got dressed up with my skinny jeans, lose shirt and vans. We left the room, and I texted Harry so that he would know that I'm out with Zayn and Louis.

On the way to the mall, I was on Louis' back. Piggy backs from Louis, I love it. We walked and walked until we reached the mall, there were only a few people since it's Monday. Yeah, school days for the Filipinos.

"Shopping or food?" Zayn asked, of course me & Louis are craving for food. So we headed to Krispy Kreme. Oh yes, I've been craving for this for like 2 years. I miss having some sweet doughnuts.

We sat there at the corner, to avoid some paparazzi or whatever. The box had 8 doughnuts. Guess what, me and Zayn had 2 delicious doughnuts. Louis ate the 4 amazing doughnuts.

"Someone's hungry" I smirked while looking at Louis.

"Cest La Vie" he said, I didn't quite get that and I looked at Zayn. "That's life", Zayn translated. Ha, I've got a translator. And he's a hot one.

"Shopping?" Zayn asked us, we just nodded. We were 3 meters away from Forever 21. I dragged them there, and I begged if I could buy my clothes here. They said they would just pay for my clothes. Yes! Finally, fresh clothes from Forever 21.

I randomly picked 2 outfits. The first outfit was a blue dress, it somehow looked like a cocktail dress. The 2nd one was a yellow sundress. I modeled those 2 outfits, and the 2 boys preffered the yellow sundress.

Then we headed to a shoe store, oh damn. Gladiator shoes, I love them. Really! Mom used to collect them before. I got a blue one. Blue is my favorite color, yes.

Zayn's POV 

We were at this shoe store, and Gaile was like a princess. I mean, the shape of her legs was perfect. Her nails and toe nails, oh my gosh. She has french tips. I find it lovely. And her smile, I somehow fell for that the time when we were at California with Niall. When we comforted her, when she rode my back. I really like Gaile's smile.

After a while, Louis was about to head home. Me and Gaile continued roaming around the mall.

Gaile's POV

Louis left us, but I'm still chillin' with Zayn. To be honest, he's fun to be with. He's like an older brother to me. We talked about life, he talked about this experience at X-Factor. Wow, wish Zayn was my brother. And of course, he talked about Perrie. I ship Zayn and Perrie, Liam and Dani, and Louis and El. They're perfect for each other.

"So, uh. How's you and Harry?" Zayn asked, I just smiled at him.

"Lemme guess, you really were jelous when Harry and Mika were jelous? I mean like, you cry yourself to sleep. Stuff like that." I just stared at him, and he smirked at me. Does he read minds? Yep, I told him that I was affected, but I would never thought that he'd say that. I just nodded.

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