Chapter 8

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I was at the beach with Harry. The sun was about to set. His eyes were locked on mine, he pulled me closer, our lips were a few inches away. We were about to kiss, I was excited. Until Zayn woke me up.

It was just a dream, damn. Zayn kept on laughing. What's wrong with him? He has a cute laugh though. Until I realize he was stalking my phone.

"Hey, give my phone back." I glared at him, but I was still sleepy.

"Oh, sorry. Here. I just checked your twitter and did some amazing stuff. Sorry." he patted my legs, and I cheked my twitter.

OH GOD, Zayn did some things on my twitter.

"@zaynmalik: look who's sleeping. sleeping beauty x :) pic.twitter.*link here*"

"@zaynmalik: @GaileeeSomers stop snoring ;)"

"@GaileeeSomers: I love @zaynmalik so much xx"

Nice move, Zayn. Nice move. I glared at him, but we bursted out laughing.

Harry was still on the couch, he smiled at me. I smiled back. Harry's smile was absolutely charming. His dimples. Dimples is listen on my turn ons.

"Hey, want to head to the pool?" Niall asked while he's stuffing Cheetos in his mouth.

"Let's go." I got up and  headed to the bathroom to changed into my bikini. I used the sun dress that Zayn gave me. I used the blue one. I grabbed my blue pair of havaianas and headed upstairs.

They were all there. All the boys were on their board shorts. Eleanor, Danielle and Mika were on their bikinis. THEY LOOK SO HOT.

"Hey, mind if you jump into the pool with me?" Niall begged me, I just nodded. I took my sundress off, and the 5 boys stared at me. Okay, what's wrong with me. I feel awkward.

As soon as I took my sundress off, I took a dive. And went to Niall.

"You look hot, and you're a fast swimmer. I'm serious." Niall gave me a serious look, I just giggled.

"Hey, Gaile. Let's race!" Louis invited me to race with him, I just nodded.

Liam was our referree, he gave us instructions.

"You, Louis and Gaile must complete 4 laps of free style and the last lap.. Uh, you'd do the butterfly stroke. All clear?" Liam both gave us the signal.

I'm not good at the butterfly though, but I'll give it a try.

"1.....2....3....GO!" Liam gave the signal, me and Louis started diving and we did the free style.

It was the 4th lap, I'm heading back to the other side of the pool. Once I reached the other side, I turned around and did the butterfly stroke. It's been years that I haven't done this stroke.

The race was over, and I won.

"You're a fast swimmer, Gaile." Louis winked at me.

"Thanks!" I smiled at him.

I swam a few laps. And I bumped on Zayn.

"Oh, God. I'm sorry, Zayn!" I pouted.

"It's fine, no big deal." he smiled at me asked me, "Would you like a chicken fight?"

I nodded, and Zayn asked me to sit on his shoulder.

"Hey, let's do a chicken fight!" Zayn shouted, and Harry pulled Mika onto the water and gave Mika a lift.

Mika's good at this, since she's a volleyball varsity player.

We did the chicken fight. Apparently, me and Zayn won.

It was getting cold, I got out of the pool. Next thing I knew, I slipped and fell down. A familiar voice called my name, and someone lifted me.


Keeping this short. Sorry! :) -Fion 

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