Chapter 16

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Harry's POV

3PM, Gaile took a nap. Okay, it's time to plan out with the boys.

Me and the boys are  chillin' at Starbucks, it's just across Gaile's house.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Louis murmured as he sipped his Latte.

"Well, since I'm asking Gaile out tonight, could you help me plan for it?" Harry  begged, the all nodded.

Gaile's POV

Oh shoot, I fell asleep. It's 5:30 PM. I tied my hair and ran downstairs, meeting Zayn in a tuxedo. To be honest, Zayn's hot in his tuxedo. He smiled at me and handed me a card. He walked away. So I walked upstairs while reading the card.

Hi Gaile! Could you get ready? We're attending a party, I want to bring you and Andrea there. Meet Zayn at outside once you're ready :) 


The moment I got in my room, Andrea was wearing a tank top and a mini skirt. She's wearing leather boots and her hair's curly.

"Andrea, you're lovely." I complimented her and she gave me a cheeky smile.

I went inside my walk-in closet, and picked my clothes. I'm wearing a red cocktail dress and my red pumps. I also brought my red purse that my mom gave me on my birthday. Grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. Me and Andrea went outside, and Zayn was just in his Mercedez-Benz with Louis.


In the car:

Zayn looked at me, eyed on my oufit, "You look gorgeous!" he complimented, I blushed. But anyway, we were near our destination. I got a text from Harry.

From: Harry

Heard u were wearing a lovely outfit. See you! x


Finally, we're at the restaurant. We're at Gusteau's. Yes. It's a 5-Star restaurant.

Hopped out of the car, went inside the restaurant. The moment we were there, I saw Niall, Harry, Liam and Robert sitting there near the stage. Liam waved at me, I waved back and sat beside Harry.

"You look lovely, dear." Harry whispered in my ear and kissed my temple.

I blushed, I grabbed Harry's hands while looking at the menu.

"I like lasagna, please." Niall begged.

"Niall, let's try Filipino food!" Louis suggested, "Oh yeah, please!" Niall added.

"Uh, we'd like to have Kare-Kare, Nilaga and Sinigang tonight. And don't forget the Sinangag." Harry smiled at the waitress who listed the orders.

After 30 minutes, our meal was ready. I love the smell of Filipino food.

While we were eating, 2 Filipinas passed by. They're Pat Zamora and Alicia Ronquillo. I remember them though, they're the ones who won a trip to Australia to watch One Direction's concert.

Pat Zamora waved at me, I waved back.

"Mind if we take a picture?" Alicia Ronquillo begged, the 5 boys nodded. While eating Filipino food, we took pictures with 2 lovely ladies. Sadly, they had to go.

I excused myself to the comfort room to wash my hands. Went straight to the comfort room and did my stuff.

Harry's POV

Since we were near the stage, I prepared myself. I went up the stage holding the microphone. After 2 minutes, she got out and saw me on the stage.

"Hi everyone. Good evening. Uh, you see that pretty girl over there? That's Gaile, the love of my life. She's my best friend, and soon to be my girlfriend." I smiled while pointing Gaile.

"This song is for Gaile, by the way" I winked at everyone.

I started singing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder. Yeah, the song that I sang during the auditions. I saw Gaile rubbing her eyes. After the song, I simply asked her..

"Gaile, will you be my girlfriend?" I was nervous, I don't know what she'll say.

Gaile's POV

I'm done washing my hands and doing my thing. The moment I got out of the comfort room, I see my best friend, Harry standing on the stage.

"Hi everone. Good Evening. Uh, you see that pretty girl over there? That's Gaile, the love of my life. She's my best friend, and soon to be my girlfriend." Harry pointed at me, he smiled at me. Everyone looked at me. What the hell is going on? I'm shocked.

"This song is for Gaile, by the way" he winked. And he started singing Isn't She Lovely. The song he sand in his audition during X-Factor. Oh my gosh, my eyes are getting watery.  I'm wiping my tears.

He's done with the song, he turned to me, and said, "Gaile, will you be my girlfriend?".

He's too sweet, after everything we've been through. I love him so much. I smiled at him, and I said a word with 3 letters, "Yes."

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