Chapter 15

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Gaile's POV

On the way home, me and Andrea were just fangirling there while the boys were behind us. Until we reached the house, mom was there fixing the living room.

"Hi Mom!" I ran to her and gave her a big hug. The boys as well hugged my mom. And my mom says they're adorable, especially Louis.

They all chilled at the living room while I helped mom prepare our midnight snack. Oreos and Milk for midnight snack. Of course, Niall has the special midnight snack. He will have Nandos, since my mom also loves Nandos.

"Boys, make yourself at home." My mom smiled at them while she goes upstairs to dress up. Her work is at 11 PM, and yes. She's a call center agent.

I stayed in between Harry and Louis, I feel comfortable.

"What do you want to do?" I smiled at them, and Niall spat out, "Truth or Dare!" We all agreed on his idea. I grabbed an empty bottle, and I saw mom pass by. I waved good bye at her, he gave me a flying kiss.

I spinned the bottle, and it pointed to Zayn. We all smirked.

"Truth or Dare?" I asked Zayn, and he replied, "Dare".

"Uh, I dare you kiss Andrea's cheek." Harry said and Zayn did the dare, Andrea blushed. She's like a tomato. I laughed so hard.

Zayn spinned the bottle, Louis was the next target.

"Truth or Dare, boo bear?" asked Zayn, Louis wasn't sure, but he went for truth.

"Okay, if you had one chance to grab anything in this house, what would you grab?" asked Zayn, and Louis glared at Zayn, "I will grab... Gaile Somers!" and Louis gave me a facial expression. I laughed so hard. Okay, I'm crazy tonight.

Louis spinned the bottle, Harry was next. He was dared to do the moon walk, and he did.

Harry spinned the bottle, it was Niall! "Nialler, truth or dare?" asked Harry. And we all know, he's going to say dare.

"I'd say.. truth." Niall gave us a cheeky smile, and we were all shocked.

"Oh.. Okay, in the band, who do you think is the cutest? Besides you, Niall." Harry smirked, and Niall spat out, "It's easy, I'd say Louis." We all smiled at Niall, he looks so cute.

After 3 rounds, the bottle pointed at me. The last one was Liam, so he asked me, "Truth or Dare?"

I was nervous, "Truth.." I murmured.

"Besides Harry, who were you in love with last Saturday?" Liam gave me a curious look. I bit my lower lip, and said, "Uh.. Who else but that Irish boy over there?" I pointed on Niall. They were shocked. Harry's laugh disappeared. Zayn, Louis and Liam giggled. Niall winked at me, I chuckled.

I glanced at Harry, he's upset. He's just playing with his fingers there. I leaned my head on his shoulder, "You seem upset. Why?" I whispered into his ear. He shook his head. I bit my lip and whispered into his ear, "I love you, Harry". I kissed his cheek. But he didn't react.

I stood up and went upstairs to my room, and slammed the door. I hate being ignored. I texted my brother..

To: Kristian

Bro, could you clean the mess downstairs if they're done? Thanks x

I'm pissed again. I plugged my earphones in, and listened to More Than This. I kept sobbing there, I wrapped myself with my blanket. Still wearing Zayn's jacket.

After 15 minutes, someone knocked on the door. It was Louis and Zayn.

"You okay, love?" Zayn asked me. I shook my head.

"You want me and Zayn to sleep here?" Louis asked, I nodded. Zayn slept at the sofa in my room and Louis slept at the lazy boy near the sofa. I cried myself to sleep, I can't take this.


"Hey, good morning." a familiar voice woke me up, and kissed my cheek. It was Harry who's beside me in my bed.

"What do you want?" I turned around, change my position in bed.

"I'm sorry, about last night." he kissed my cheek again and played with my hair. I just ignored him, and he kept on poking my cheek.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he begged and begged until he finally whispered into my ear, "I love you, Gaile." and kissed my cheek again. I smiled at him. Of course, I can't stay mad for so long. I love Harry.

"I love you too, Harry." I smiled and kissed his lips. I smiled when I kissed his lips. Soft lips, soft lips.

Harry pulled me up and carried me downstairs. I'm surprised, the boys were the ones who cooked breakfast. I smiled at them and greeted them Good Morning.

After eating breakfast, we just chilled at the living room. We're watching Just Go With It. We bursted out laughing like there's no tomorrow.


Harry's POV

We're at the living room, watching Just Go With it. I was beside Louis and Liam.

"Hey, Lou." and Louis showed me a happy face.

"Should I ask Gaile out?" I asked, and Louis nodded.

Planning to ask her out, tonight. Need help from the boys, and Gaile's brother.

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