Chapter 12

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Gaile's POV

The moment I got out of Science Class, I saw Harry talking to Mika, and Mika's standing there. Crying. Well, it's up to them. So I went to the Girl's Comfort Room, to fix myself.

Harry's POV

Math Class was over, I decided to talk to Mika. Since we're classmates during Math Class, I asked her if we could talk outside, she nodded.

"So, how's your baby?" I asked Mika, and she looks shocked.

"What baby?" Mika spat out on me, I know she's lying, so I stared into her eyes. She looks scared.

"Okay, yeah. I'm sorry." she rolled her eyes, trying to reach my hand, but I refused to let her hold my hand.

"Sorry is the only word that you can say? After all that we've been through. Why'd you even date me if you still have feelings for that guy? You used your body and now, you're going to say sorry in front of my handsome face. We're through, okay. I'm actually done with you." I glared at her, she looked at me and said, "I just want to make Gaile jelous, okay?"

Awkward answer, she wants to make Gaile jelous. What kind of answer is that? I gave her a confused look.

"Look, Gaile likes you. Okay?" she said those 5 words into my face and walked away.

Gaile Somers, my best friend likes me. After all the years that we've spent together, I didn't notice that. I feel so stupid playing with her feelings. I have to find her.

Gaile's POV

After fixing myself, I got out of the comfort room and seeing Harry looking for something, and he saw me. He ran to me and gave me a hug. I still feel awkward though. Harry does this whenever he's happy.

"Oh, Gaile. I'm never been so happy in my life. I've finally found you." he said those words while he's still hugging me and we're swaying in the middle of the hallway.

"Uh.. okay?" I giggled, but it turns out I'm looking like a tomato.


We're all dismissed, it's 12:30 PM. Harry and I usually go home at the same time, I saw him standing by the door waiting for me. I ran to him.

"Let's go?" I asked him and he gave me a cheeky smile.

We walked, we crossed streets. He asked me if I'd like to go with him to the mall and take lunch there, I just nodded.

We're at the mall, so many girls are asking for pictures. As usual, they're fan girling. Well, that used to be me before. I just smiled secretly.

Harry patted my shoulder, "Hey, where do you want to eat lunch? Yellow Cab or Sbarro?"

"Sbarro, I've been craving for that for a long long time." I smiled and we headed to Sbarro.

My phone was vibrating, it was Zayn.

From: Zayn

You're dating Harry now? :) x

I laughed at his text, my fingers were on the keyboard.

To: Zayn

Seriously? Haha, not yet though. But he's being sweet. ;)

I caught Harry peeking over my shoulder, I took my phone away. And he laughed at me, he placed his arms around me.

"I'm sweet? Really?" he laughed and laughed, I just smiled like an idiot.

"Yeah, what's up with that?" I looked at him, and his eyes were sparkling. He shook his head and we continued walking until we reached Sbarro.


@ Sbarro

We ordered half Baked Ziti, 2 slices of cheese pizza and 2 Pepsi drinks.

I took a picture of him eating Pizza, he looks so cute. I'm saving it as my lock screen though. He agreed with that.

After eating at Sbarro, we decided to roam around the mall. We did shopping. I bought myself a new pair of havaianas and he bought himself some vans.


On the way home, I was riding on his back.  But after a few minutes he got tired, so I just walked locked in his arms leaning on his shoulder.


@ My House

Mom was home, Harry gave her a kiss at the cheek. Of course, Harry loves my mom so much. He gives her respect.

"Honey, you know you and Harry could stay at your room."  mom winked at me, and me and Harry raced into my room.

He won, and we stayed their. We shared stories, we laughed like idiots.

Harry's POV

After malling with my best friend, she invited me to her house.

To be honest, Gaile's mom is adorable. I love her so much! She's one of a kind.

She told us that we could stay at Gaile's room, and me and Gaile raced. I won the race.

I opened my twitter:

"Harry_Styles: Chillin' with @GaileeSomers x"

I guess, it's the perfect time that I'll tell her that I have feelings for her.

We shared so many stories, we laugh 'til our tummy hurts.

Gaile's POV

I've never seen Harry so happy like this, usually he doesn't laugh like this. What did Harry eat?

"Hey, Gaile." he smiled at me, he's charming. I raised my eye brows.

"You know what.." before he continues his sentence, I gave him a curious look.

He stared into my eyes, it's my first time to see Harry like this. What's happening, vas happenin.

Harry's POV

"Hey, Gaile." I smiled at her, she raised her eye brows. I continued my sentence, "You know what.." I stopped there, because she shot me a curious look. I know she's excited.

I stared into her eyes, I love her eyes. Her hazel eyes. And she has that perfect smile. I don't know how to say this to her. Until, I got distracted. My phone beeped and it was a text from Liam.

From: Liam

Did u tell her already?

Gaile's dying to know what I want to tell her, but I got distracted, "Oh wait, Liam texted me." She sighed, I smirked and replied to Liam's text.

To: Liam

I was but you texted :p

I kept my phone in my pocket, I was ready to tell her. I took a deep breath.

"You're dying to know what I'm going to tell you, right?" I smirked and she nodded violently.

I laughed for like 5 minutes, being weird, she finds me awkward today. I know, I know. I'm so nervous of telling her how I feel for her.

For the nth time, I took a really deep breath, and told her straight..

"Gaile.. I like you, more than a best friend." she looked shocked, I smiled. I blushed, I just stared at her. I spat out to her, "Yes, you're shocked. Harry Edward Styles is in love with his best friend, Gaile Somers." I winked at her.

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