Chapter 11

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Gaile's POV

After 2 freaking hours, we got out of the hospital. It's 4PM, and we're heading home. They brought me to the nearest hospital near my house. They're so sweet.

Harry and Niall took me home. They stayed in my house for an hour, but sadly Niall had to go. Which means Harry and I are the only ones left.

I turned to Harry, "Hey. What are you going to do with.. Mika?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "I don't know." He still looks upset though.

I hugged him, I comforted him. Until he decides that he'll go home. I just nodded and waved good bye.

I got upstairs and lied down on my bed, I miss my bed though. It's so comfortable.

After a few minutes, my phone beeped. I got a text from Harry.

From: Harry

Thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to. Love you, Gee! :) x

I smiled at his text, I blushed. And I just placed my phone under my table. I feel exhausted, so I decided to take a sleep since there's school tomorrow.


My phone alarmed, it's 6AM. Time to get up! Oh, it's Monday.

I got up, got my towel and dragged myself to the bathroom. I'm still sleepy. I placed my pajamas in the hamper and I took a shower. The water's killing me. It's so so cold.

Wrapped myself with my blue towel, and walked to my closet. I decided to wear my tank top and my floral skirt. I wore my black flats. I curled my hair, and after a few moments, I heard my phone beeping. Grabbed my phone, unlocked it and oh, it's a message from Harry.

From: Harry

Good Morning, love :) x

What's with Harry, lately? He doesn't send me good morning texts. I simply smiled at his text and placed my phone in my Chanel bag.

I went downstairs and saw my brother cooking my breakfast.

"Seriously, Kristian." I laughed and I raised my eye brow.

"For you, pancake and milk." he smiled to me like an idiot. I gave him a surprise hug from his back and kissed his cheek. He wiped it. He hates it when I kiss his cheeks. I made a smart move.

"Food's ready, better hurry!" as Kristian placed my pancake on the table. I ate it for 3 minutes, and I saw Kristian staring at me.

"You eat fast, what the eff." we bursted out laughing until the doorbell rang.

"Oh, I have to go. Sorry bro, love you!" I gave him another hug and went to the door. It's Harry. I smiled at him, and he escorted me going to school.


Harry's POV

It's 6:45, I arrived at Gaile's house. She looks so pretty. I don't know, I think I have feelings for her already.

I grabbed her left arm, and we walked going to school holding her arm.

Maybe, I have feelings for her already. Erase that maybe. To rephrase it, I really have feelings for her.

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