Chapter 14

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Gaile's POV

Ended up sleeping on the floor, got up and I was really happy because it's the last day of school today. Finally, summer vibes.

I got up and dragged myself to shower, took a hot shower. After taking a shower, I dried myself up and went to my closet. I wore my UK flag shirt, my black skinny jeans and my vans. I braided my hair, I did the fish tail. Mom taught me how to do the fish tail back when I was in my freshman year in High School.

Ran down the stairs. Apparently, everyone's asleep. So I just made breakfast by myself. I grabbed some bread and nutella, yeah. And headed out to Starbucks to grab some Mocha Frappe. Starbucks is just across our house. Cool isn't it? But still. I have to text Harry so that he knows where I am. Grabbed my phone and texted Harry.

To: Harry

Good Morning! Here @ starbucks. Meet me there? :) x

I got at the counter ordered some Mocha Frappe. And when I was waiting, I saw Mika with Lorenz entering Starbucks. I just smiled at them, good thing they smiled back. But completely, I ignored them.

After a few minutes, someone covered my eyes, familiar scent though. I took off the hands, and turned around. I see Harry with Louis & Niall. I smiled at them.

Going to school, I was riding on Louis' back. Harry took a picture of us, haha.

I tweeted.

"@GaileeeSomers: with @Louis_Tomlinson, heehee*link here*"

We were near school, I waved good bye to Niall and Louis. So, I walked with Harry going to class. Went to my locker first, and the moment I opened my locker, I saw a blue varsity jacket and a note from Zayn.

Gaile, you can have my varsity jacket. You're the best! :) Zayn x

Grabbed Zayn's varsity jacket. I just love his scent. I have no idea why Zayn gave me his varsity jacket, but still. I appreciate it though. I asked Harry to take a picture of me so I can tweet it.

"GaileeeSomers: hihi lovin'  the varsity jacket. Thanks @zaynmalik :)"


I wore Zayn's jacket the whole day. Now, I smell like Zayn. Okay.

Classes were over, and Harry invited me to go with him to the mall. Since it's summer vacation already, spent my afternoon with him.


@ The Mall

"The boys will meet us here." Harry winked at me, I just nodded and we continued walking.

A familiar voice called my name, it was Liam. Yes, my daddy directioner!

"Hope no paparazzi appears in this mall." I murmured. Liam heard it, and he just patted my back and the 6 of us continued walking.

As we walked, Louis and Harry were so sweet to one another, Zayn just kept scrolling with his iPhone, Niall's trying to finish his cotton candy, while me and Liam are like on a father and daughter bonding.


My phone was beeping, it was Andrea calling me. Andrea is one of my best cousins in the world.

I picked it up..

G: Andrea?!

A: Gailaaaaaaa!

G: Hey! How're you?

A: I'm here, at The Mall. You?

G: Same! Oh, you want to hang out with me and the boys?

A: Alright, alright. But I have Robert with me.

G: Haha, your little bro is shopping with you. How sweet.

A: Where are you anyway?

G: In front of.. uhm, Krispy Kreme.

A: Meet you there, bye!

G: Bye.

"Who was that?" Liam asked. "Andrea, my cousin. She's a dedicated directioner, you know." I winked at Liam, and he smiled.

I saw Andrea with his Robert, I ran to them. It's like we haven't seen in ages! Oh, how I missed her.

"Guys! I want you to meet, Andrea. And this happens to be her little brother, Robert." they all waved at Andrea, and Andrea was fangirling and fangirling. I joined her too, I don't want her to feel out of place.

"Hey, Gaile. Your cousin's lovely." Louis whispered into my ear, I gave him a high-five.

I looked back to see what's happening, Niall's got a date with Robert, they're playing. And Andrea's chillin' with Zayn, Louis and Harry. How adorable. I just smiled at them and sticked with Liam as we roam around the mall.

"Hey, Drea. Want to sleep at my place, tonight?" I asked, and she just nodded.

"Me, too. Please?" Niall begged. Even Zayn, Louis, Liam and Harry begged. I laughed and just said yes.

Imagine, boys of 1D will sleep at my house. Good thing my house is.. sorta.. big? There are 3 available rooms though.

"You know what, I'm hungry." said Niall as he patted his stomach.

"Don't worry, Nialler. You're always hungry." Harry smiled at Niall, and Niall just gave him a cheeky smile.

We were at the escalator and a group of girls saw me. They glared at me. What the eff did I do?

"Hey Gaile." I was shocked, one of the girls knew my name. I raised my left eye brow and she added, "You, you sick person. You're absolutely hanging out with the boys. Why? Of course, you'll answer that you're a directioner. We all know that. Besides, you and Harry? Geez, I'm prettier than you." I glared at her, I was about to make a scene in The Mall.

I can't handle my anger, I can't control. I came near her, and glared at her, "You have no right to say things about Harry. He maybe my best friend, but I'll always be there for him. Harry and me aren't dating, YET. But soon, we will. Okay, you're prettier than me, fine. Say that to the whole world. Get a life." I turned back, and the 5 boys just stared at me because I'm so red. I dragged Liam to the escalator, which made Harry go near me.

"Don't mind them, they're just jelous." he comforted me as he kissed my cheek.

I'm somehow sobbing, but yeah. I wouldn't mind. After all, I have best friends from a famous boyband, and I'm definitely inlove with one of them.

"Where do you want to spend your dinner, love?" Zayn came along as he grabs my left hand and swings it back and forth.

"Anywhere, uh. Ask Niall." I gave Zayn a cheeky smile and he nodded. Which made him run to Niall and asked him where we could eat dinner.

Oh, shocks. I almost forgot, I have to text mom to remind her that the boys will sleep at our house. I got my phone, and texted mom.

To: Mommy

Mom, the boys will sleep at our house tonight. I'll be home after dinner. love you. :)

Pressed the send button, and kept my phone. We passed by a Jansport store, and I want the limited edition of 1D bag. Jansport has it. I dragged Harry and Liam in the store, and showed them the bag. They laughed and Liam got his credit card and he bought it for me.

"Liam, I owe you. A LOT" I emphasized the word A LOT, and he just smiled at me.

"No need, it's for you." he pinched my cheeks. I have no idea why they like pinching my cheeks for some reason though.

We got out of the Jansport store, and I ran to Niall. Giving him a surprise hug from the bag, and whispered into his ear, "Hey Nialler, let's have Shakey's for dinner." I smiled, he looked at me and said, "You seriously read my mind". He stuck his tongue out and we walked. 20 meters away was Shakey's. One of my favorite restaurants here at The Mall.

Headed inside, and we got the spot where it was cold. I was in between Harry and Liam, Niall and Andrea were in front of me.

We ordered Classic Carbonara, Manager's Choice, Chicken and some Iced Teas.

Ate hapilly, and we were so full. We dragged ourselves to my house.

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