Chapter 4

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I got up around 6:30 AM, showered quickly, got dressed up and proceeded downstairs.

I sat on our couch in the living room, I was beside the router for a faster wifi signal.

I logged into my twitter, and next thing I knew, the 5 boys followed me. I jumped into excitement. I tapped the mentions tab, and I see 6 new tweets.

"@Louis_Tomlinson: it was nice to meet @GaileeeSomers and @MamaMika_Malika :)"

"@zaynmalik: @GaileeeSomers has a gorgeous smile. :)"

"@NiallOfficial: @Harry_Styles is with his best friend @GaileeeSomers. Wish me & Gaile would be close friends too :( x"

"@Real_Liam_Payne: @GaileeeSomers text me!!! x"

"@MamaMika_Malika: @GaileeeSomers, y u so hot?*link*"

"@Somers_Kristian: My sister's out of the house, @GaileeeSomers I miss you seriously"

I laughed at their tweets, bursted out laughing. I then replied to their tweets.

"@Louis_Tomlinson nice to meet you too! We should hang out sometime, with El. ;)"

"@zaynmalik Thank you! :) x"

"@NiallOfficial!!! We will be, don't worry. ;)"

"@Real_Liam_Payne what's ur number? :o DM me!"

"@MamaMika_Malika HAHAHA that's so embarrassing =))"

"@Somers_Kristian is that a joke? seriously? you kidding me?! :o"

Mom went down and smiled, "Good Morning, Gaile!".

"Good Morning, mommy", I stood up and kissed my mom. And sat down on the kitchen table. I was texting Niall some good morning text.

To: Niall

Good Morning, Niall! How was your sleep? x

So, pancake for breakfast. I prepared Nesquick for my drink. I ate around 5 minutes, went upstairs into the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth and sat on the couch and waited for Harry.

The doorbell rang, and mom gave me the okay sign for me to go to school with Harry.

I opened the door, and Harry pulled me ang gave me a warm hug and said, "Missed me?" he smiled at me. His smile was charming than ever. It was the best smile that I've ever seen in my life. I smiled back and said, "Of course, why wouldn't I?". He kissed my forehead, and held my hand while walking to school.

Before we left the house, I asked mom if I could go with the boys to their roadtrip tonight since it's my 17th birthday tomorrow. Mom allowed me and I gave her a very very big hug. And I shall pack my clothes later, when I get home.

We went out of the house and Harry gave me a piggy back. I  blushed for almost 15 minutes. Until we reached school. Harry dropped me off, because he saw his princess Mika. It still hurts though, but I have to accept the fact that we're best friends. Guess I'm friendzoned.

My phone beeped again, I got a text from Liam.

From: Liam

Hi Gaile, good morning! See you later! x

I was about to reply to Liam's text until Mika grabbed my phone so she can take a picture of her and Harry. Why my phone? She has a BlackBerry though, she can use that instead of my phone. Is she making me jelous? I laughed inside.


It was lunch time, Mika pulled me and told me about Harry.

"Gaile, Harry's too sweet!" she blushed, I rolled my eyes.

"Lemme guess, you fell for him too?" she glared at Mika, and Mika took seconds to reply back to what I said. She stared at me, and smiled.

"How'd you know?" Mika looked at me and she blushed.

Seriously, both of my best friends fell for each other. Guess I'm the bridge. Ouch.


It was dismissal time, I left my phone in my locker. I ran as fast as I can. I unlocked my locker and grabbed my phone and my bag.

My thumbs flew on the keyboard as compose a text for Harry.

To: Harry

Hey, I'm going home. Pick me up around 1 PM? Thanks x

I ran home, packing my things. Getting ready. Finally, Niall replied to my text. After hours, haha!

From: Niall

I just charged my phone ryt now. Sorry love :) x

I giggled, I sat down and replied to his text.

To: Niall

It's okay :) sit beside me later? Hehehe :) Mika's coming along. She'll sit with Harry

The doorbell rang, I opened the door. I got shocked, it was Niall and Zayn. Harry asked them a favor to pick me up.

"You ready, love?" Zayn asked.

"Ready than ever, let's go." I smiled, seems I'm excited.

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