Chapter 20

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Gaile's POV

Okay. Brain. Tumor. Okay. Gaile, don't cry. You don't want your brother to see you crying. But apparently, I can't handle it. Tears suddenly slid down. I feel weak. "Why? Why only now?" I looked straight to his eyes, he blinked 3 times, "I don't want you to feel bad. I want you to be happy. I want to see you happy as always, and you know that." he wiped my tears. My brother stood up and left the room without another word. I haven't got a chance to say that I'm sorry for everything that I've done. I'm sitting by the window, my knees on my chest. I felt lost, like there's no one to talk to.

Niall's POV

I was at the living room, with Zayn. We were watching I saw Kristian walking from Gaile's room going to his room. The moment he reached his room, he slammed the door and he was swearing. I could hear him.

"Let's head to Gaile's room?" Zayn asked, I just nodded. We stood up and walked slowly towards Gaile's room. I knocked 3 times, and saw her by the window.

"Can we come in?" Zayn asked, Gaile just nodded. We came near her, Zayn locked the door so that no one would see Gaile in pain. Otherwise, she'll burst out.

"What's wrong, love?" I asked her while patting her back. "Your brother is beyond pissed off." Zayn added. She turned to us. Oh God, she's really crying. I gave her a hug whispering to her ear, "It's okay, I've got your back. Don't worry."

She cried there for 10 minutes by now, she didn't even speak. "Gaile, mind if you tell us what happened?" Zayn asked, but Gaile shook her head. I know it's way too personal, but I respect that. Zayn respects that too.

Zayn's POV

A few hours ago, Gaile was very happy. While we were busy shopping, eating at the restaurant. She was very very happy. But sadly, she's torn apart. Something must've gone between her and her brother, and she's really affected.

She turned to us, "What will you feel if the one you really love will just drift away, like nothing happened?" she closed her eyes. Me and Niall were confused, but we respect the fact that she wouldn't tell us. It really hurts her feelings, a lot. We just comforted her and she just cried all night. We spent an hour in her room, it was 10PM and our flight tomorrow at UK will be at 8AM.

"Would you like us to sleep here in your room?" Niall asked, "Yeah, we promise to take care of you until tomorrow." I added. She nodded and thanked us.

Niall's POV

We went outside, we saw Harry there. Sitting down, crying. We don't know what happened.

"Vas happenin?" Zayn asked, Harry showed his phone. Gaile tweeted..

"@GaileeeSomers: In so much pain right now.. @Harry_Styles I love you so much, okay? x"

"By the way, we'll be sleeping at Gaile's room. You should lay down there beside her. 3 of us in her room, deal?" I asked, Harry nodded.

"I don't know why I'm upset, but I don't like seeing my girlfriend in pain." Harry murmured, as he stood up and walked to Gaile's room.

Harry's POV

The truth is, I hate seeing my best friend who is now my girlfriend upset. I don't know. I see her being with Niall or Zayn everytime. I'm jelous, somehow. So I decided to go to her room and talk to her. I saw her there by the window. She's sobbing, and she's whispering to herself, "I wish I've never been in this world."

I sat behind her, gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. Wiping her tears off her face. She hugged me, her head was under my chin. I just patted her back.

"Harry.." she murmured, "I love you, okay?"

I just smiled, "I love you too, Gaile". She gently pushed me and stared at the lovely view of Manila Bay.

"Tell me, what happened?" I begged, she took a deep breath.

"Kristian.. is leaving me." she rolled her eyes, and she's wiping her tears off. I gave her a confused look, I don't know what she meant. She paused for a while, she looked at me, "Kristian is suffering from Brain Tumor."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't know. I'm sorry, babe." I grabbed her hands, she feels weak. She just faked a smile. I grabbed her and hugged her. "Babe, you know I hate seeing you upset." I added, she just giggled. "I know that, I just can't accept the fact that my brother is in pain too. I love him very much, you know." She murmured. I agree with what she said. She spent her time with her brother last night during the concert.

"Everything will be okay, I promise." I said as I kissed her forehead, as I wiped her tears off. She stood up and continued packing her things. She turned back, and looked at me. "Thank you, Harry. For being my best friend in this world." she smiled at me while tears are running down her face. I can feel her pain, really. I stood up and left the room.

Gaile's POV

It was 11:30 PM, and I need to catch some sleep. I laid down on bed, scrolling through pictures of me and Kristian. I feel guilty. I was having a relaxing time in my room, until 3 boys invaded. Oh yes, Harry, Niall and Zayn.

"You okay, babe?" Harry walked to me as he kissed my cheek. I just smiled and continued trolling on my phone.

My phone beeped, I've got a text message from Mom..

From: Mommy

Hun, our flight is at 12. Here at the lobby with your brother. We're on our way to the airport. I bet you know right? Well, we have an appointment on Wednesday. See you soon, love you!


I hopped out of bed, the 3 boys were surprised. Yes, I'm on my pajamas and I went down to the lobby. I saw my brother there. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. But he had to let go.

Mom came near me, "Gaile, honey. Take care of yourself, okay? Andrea's there for you. Don't worry too much. He'll be fine." Mom was nearly to tears, she kissed my forehead and placed her luggage in the taxi.

My brother strolled off.

"Hey Kristian! COME HERE!" I shouted, he stopped and looked back, "What do you want?". He was being rude, I ran to him and gave him a big hug. "You're leaving me, aren't you?" I said, crying while I'm still hugging my brother. He sighed, "Gaile, I love you more than anyone in this world, okay? Stay safe always. Let's just pray." he let go of me and waved good bye.

"I love you too more than anyone in this world, please be safe." I whispered.

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