Chapter 13

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Gaile's POV

Okay, I'm seriously dying to know what Harry wants to tell me.

"You're dying to know what I'm going to tell you, right?" he smirked, I just nodded.

He took a deep breath, and told me, "Gaile.. I like you, more than a best friend." I'm shocked, okay. I somehow blushed, but I didn't make it obvious. He smiled at me, he blushed, and stared at me, "Yes, you're shocked. Harry Edward Styles is in love with his best friend, Gaile Somers." he winked at me.

I just smiled like an idiot there, covering my face, laughing by myself. What's wrong with me?

"You know what, Harry." I sighed, and he continued to stare at my face.

"Ever since we were best friends before, I liked you. I told Niall and Zayn about this feeling." I stared on the floor, and Harry grabbed my hand, pulled me close. "Babe, don't worry. I'll be here, when you need me." he gently kissed my lips, and to tell you this, he's a good kisser.

"You have soft lips." I winked at her, she giggled.

I gently pushed him, and smiled like an idiot.

Harry's POV

I admit, I really love her. I guess I found my next girlfriend.

She keeps on smiling and laughing. She's like a fangirl, which looks cute.

"You know what Harry." she sighed, I just stared at her pretty face.

"Ever since we were best friends before, I liked you. I told Niall and Zayn about this feeling." she added. I grabbed her hand, and pulled her close. "Babe, don't worry. I'll be here, when you need me." I gently kissed her lips. She has soft lips, that's a turn on for me.

She gently pushed me and smiled like.. I don't know. But to admit, she has a gorgeous smile.


After a an hour, I decided to go home. I kissed her good bye.

I texted Zayn.

To: Zayn

Should I ask her out? Whatcha' think?


sorry for the short chapter, please. :)

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