Chapter 9

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I woke up in a room with 4 corners, 4 white walls. 2 guys standing beside me, and a girl beside me.

"You okay?" I heard Harry's voice, I tried look for his voice, and I smiled.

"Here, eat this soup. I made it last night." Danielle handed me the soup she made, I sat down and I ate the soup.

"What happened last night?" I looked at Harry as I ate the soup. He looked at me and sighed.

"Long story, but you should eat the soup first, y'know." Harry smirked.

I finished the soup, it was the best soup I've tasted in my whole life. Suddenly someone knocked on the door, it was mom. She ran to me, and gave me a hug.

"You okay, love?" I knew mom was worried.

"Yeah, of course. Now that you're here." I smiled at her, and she gave me another hug. She turned to Harry, "Harry, thank you for bringing Gaile here in the hospital. You're a responsible man, I'm proud of you. Thanks for taking care of my daughter." My mom gave Harry and hug.

I lied down there, grabbed my phone and opened my twitter. Whoa, so many mentions.

"@Harry_Styles: Hope @GaileeeSomers is alright :("

"@Louis_Tomlinson: @GaileeeSomers text me if you're alright, please"

"@zaynmalik: Otw to the hospital to see @GaileeeSomers"

"@NiallOfficial: With @Harry_Styles @DaniellePeazer and @GaileeeSomers :)"

"@Kristian_Somers: @GaileeeSomers!!! You alright? mom's otw to the hospital right now please be safe love you"

"@MikaMalika_Styles: bb @GaileeeSomers, please be here with me :( I hope you're okay"

Suddenly, Zayn and Mika went inside the room. They went near me, Mika sat down beside me.

"My baby's injured, are you?" Mika asked me, she really looks worried.

"I'm fine, I don't think so." I gave her a confused look.

"Don't leave me, I'll be here for you. Always." she whispered in my ear, I smiled.

Zayn handed me a scrap book. I smiled at him as I opened the scrap book, I saw pictures of me with One Direction, with my family and friends. I flipped every page, I smiled randomly, I giggled, until I reached the last page, I saw a page of dedications.


Hi Gaile! Hope you're alright, take care always. We'll be here when you need us. -Niall

Gailyyy! Please be safe, take care soon! Take care of my curly boyfriend, okay? Louis x

Gee, I love you. Take care always. Keep smiling and stay pretty, don't leave me. I beg you, you still owe me a lot. ;) -Harry x-

Gaile Somers-Malik! Hehehe, stay safe always :) -Zayn Malik-Somers ;)

Nigga! Baby! Love! Best friend! Thanks for being here when I need you. Stay safe, please? Mika here.

Gaile, hope you love the soup that I've cooked for you. Take care, okay? Danielle Peazer- ;)

Gaile! My daughter! Haha! Take care, please please please? - Liam aka Daddy Directioner haha! :D

Gaileanor! Hey, you're fun to be with. You stay safe, okay? -El :)

Gaile. Little Sis. Hi. I still hate you though. Love you. - - - Kristian

Gaile, you stay safe next time. Don't run too much. Don't make yourself tired, okay? You know I worry a lot when you're hurt. Love you! -Mom


I smiled at every single dedications, which causes my eyes to be watery again. Harry wiped my tears, and kissed my forehead.

"When are we going to check out of this hospital?" I asked.

"Once you're okay, we'll get out." Harry wrapped me around his arms, I nodded.

Mika looks upset. I asked everyone if me and Mika could have a heart to heart talk, everyone left the room which makes me and Mika in the room. It was quiet.

"What's the problem, nigga?" I asked her, and shot her a curious face.

"Well, you should not tell anyone. Even Harry, please." she looks nervous, I just nodded.

"Remember the night when we were at a fancy hotel? When I went to the mall alone?" she told me, I just nodded my head.

"Well, my mom wasn't there. I was with Lorenz. Remember him?" she looks worried, I asked her to remind me who Lorenz was. She told me, they used to date in our Junior and Senior year, yeah. They were together before, but they broke up because Lorenz dated another girl. I just nodded with her explanation, "Why? What about Lorenz?"

She shot me a nervous look. She breathed in and out, tears were forming in her eyes. Until she whispered, "I'm pregnant."

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