A new roommate.

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The girl walked in, not bothering to greet. She turned to the direction of the only bed in the room as I studied her. She was putting on a black sparky short gown that was barely mid tight, her cleavage was open and breast packed tightly that it was obvious her mission was to show off the cleavages. She had on a 4 inches heel, her fixed hair was bouncing and looked quality but her makeup added to her slutty look.

She sat down on the bed and removed her heels before Tosin turned to her as if she was just noticing her.

"Hey Natasha, how are you doing." She ask her.

"I'm okay but broke. All those mumu guy no wan spend money (Those stupid guys does not want to spend money.)" She said.

"Ooh okay. Didn't you notice our new roommates?" Tosin asks.

"Why? I did but when they were looking like mumu nko (Idiot.) Shey they did not know that if one sees a senior, you greet first not vice versa." She hissed after her statement.

"Hi Nat, I'm Sarah." I said to calm the heightened tension in the room as I could see Tola trying to keep her anger at being called an idiot in check.

"And so? " She replied me.

"Nice to meet you." I said calmly even though I wanted to slap her head in my mind.

"Not happy to meet you." She said as she started to chew rather rudely and loudly on her chewing gum.

"Whatever, I'm sure Sarah was just saying that out of courtesy." Tola said hissing as Natasha turned to look at her before bursting into laughter all of sudden.

"See me see trouble ooh. See this small girl talking while I am talking, are you sure you are alright?" She said as Tosin finally interceded.

"It's alright, it's alright." she said while Natasha kept clapping her hands in the manner those market women do when they feel they are being disrespected.

"No, it's not. Let me show this crazy girl who the boss is here." Natasha shouted.

"And who exactly is the boss? Maybe before, you were but let me tell you. I won't take any nonsense from you and it will be better for you to know your place." Tola said angrily.

"It's better you warn yourself." Natasha said as she sashayed out of the room.

"Phew..." Tosin said releasing a large breath.

"That was interesting." Teniola said talking for the first time as I looked at her in surprise because I had absolutely forgotten she was there.

"Are you interested, We are all going for a tour around the school." Tosin asks me later in the evening.

"Yea, sure. I have been bored sef."   I replied.

I stood up and brought out my suitcase which was under the bed to look for an outfit to wear.

"But do I have to put on any outfit. I mean it's just a walk around." A part of me thought.

"Yes, you have to. Don't you know first impression last longer and besides what If you bump into some cute guy." The cheerful part of me thought.

"You are not here in school for a guy. You haven't even been here for a day." The logical part of me exclaimed.

"Whatever." I muttered as I decide to agree with the cheerful part of me.

A few minutes later, I was indecisive between a jean trouser with an off shoulder shirt and an high waist skirt with a crop top so I asked for my roommate's opinions.

"Babes, I don't know what to wear. Which do you think will suffice?" I asked raising both outfit.

"I think the jean and off shoulder is very nice." Tola said

"Yes, it will do." Teni said talking for the first time in a while.

"Both looks beautiful." Tosin added

So I decided to go with the jean and off shoulder. I slipped on the clothes and did a light makeup, slipping on one of my sandals, I sling on one of my bags before announcing that "I am ready."

We all set out of the hostel before Tosin suggested we entertain ourselves by introducing ourselves and we all agreed while Tola went first.

"My name is Omotola but I am mostly called Tola, I'm 18, I come from a family of 4 consisting of my parents, my younger brother and I ,I have a hot boyfriend and I can be very jealous." she rounded off with laughter.

It was soon Teni's turn who said "My name is Teniola, I am 17 years old, I come from a family of 5 which includes my parents, my elder brother, I and my younger sister, I love having fun and we are christian." She rounded up while I took over.

"My name is Sarah, I am 17 years old, I am from the western part of Nigeria. I come from a family of five which consist of my parent, my elder brother and younger sister. I love having fun and I am easy going." I rounded up with a smile.

"I am 20years old, I am in my third year studying economics ,i come from a family of six, 2 elder sisters, I, my younger sister and my parents. I am sort of a silent person and I love maintaining peace." Tosin said

"Are you seriously telling us that, of course It's obvious from how you wanted to stop the fight that would have ensued if you hadn't maintained the peace."

"Or should I say tried to maintain." Tola said as we all burst into laughter.

A'N- Hey lovelies, how are you doing today. Don't forget to vote and comment, share also.
Happy Valentine 💙💙💙If you don't have a Val, don't just lounge around bored. Watch a movie, read a book. Just make yourself happy.

Question of the chapter: Who is your best among the characters in this chapter.
Also, what do you think about Natasha?

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