Golden lounge.

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"Well, I'm sorry to break it to you but i will be doing nothing of such with you." I said as i got down from his car and slammed the door. Fortunately for me, I was able to get a cab that got me safely to my hostel even so that late at night.

"Babes. Why so late?" Omotola whom as usual was still up chatting with her boyfriend asked as I entered the room.

"Nothing jare, I stayed late at Dupzy's place. "I lied.

"Ooh okay, No wahala. You don do that english assignment? (No problem, have you done your English assignment?)" She ask.

"No ooh, I'm just praying that the man will give us till Tuesday to submit." I said sighing.

"I know, right." She said simply and I could tell she was distracted by her phone again. So I moved to my bed as i started preparing for bed thinking about Tolu.

"But how could such a thing happen, does he thinks I'm hot or do I look attractive to him?" I ask myself as I started to daydream in the toilet.

Once I was done, I walked to my bed and sat down, bringing out my phone from my bag. I was surprised to see 5 missed calls from my bag. Fortunately, the phone rang again.

"Good evening mum." I said as I picked the call.

"Haha, Sarah. Where did you drop your phone, I have been calling you since?" she said, concern evident in her voice.

"I'm sorry for not picking up your call ma. It was on silent so I didn't notice it was ringing."

"No problem my dear, I hope you are very well my dear?"

"Yes ma, I'm fine. How's dad and big head." I said.

"They are both fine, she misses you." She said as she launched into the several funny events that has happened since I left home as I burst into a huge laughter at each one and by the end of our conversation, I was feeling light and stress-free.

"Goodnight ma." I said as I peeled off my dress and slipped into a peaceful sleep around 12:55am.

"I'm late!" That was my first thought as I woke up the next day, realizing I didn't set an alarm to wake me up and I had a class at 7:00 when it was already 8:30am. Sighing, I decide to forfeit the class as I wonder how I hadn't heard the legs and sound of my roommates preparing for class.

I had just finish taking my bath when I received a text message. Opening it, I hissed as I remember last night event.

"I'm sorry about last night, let meet at the Golden lounge after your lectures." I read aloud as I hissed shaking my head.

"Meet ko, grit ni." I said hissing aloud as I threw my phone on my bed, not bothering to return his message as I checked my wardrobe for the perfect outfit for the day. I finally decided on a white tee and a colourful palazzo. I put on a light makeup, wore my sandals and arranged my bag as i left the room locking the door behind me and dropping it under the carpet.

"Babes, why didn't you come for Mts nah." Dupzy said as she sat down beside me on the waiting bench I had texted her I was waiting.

"I woke up late ni jare, don't mind me." I said sighing deeply still thinking of Tolu and wondering if telling Dupzy about yesterday will be a good idea.

"No problem jare, I helped you write attendance shaa." She said as I jumped on her happily.

"Thanks love, I was already worrying about that." I said sighing in relief as I decided to keep my mouth shut about last night till she asks.

"It's okay, let's get to 1500 before the front seats get filled up." She said as we both stood up, got drinks at a mart around and started to walk towards the lecture hall that was still a long distance away.

"So... Where were you last night." dupzy said, finally approaching the topic.

"I went out with Tolu..." I started as I told her the full details of what happened at the party and how I had gone to his house earlier before the party.

"That's so rude. How could he say something like that!" She shouted furiously.

"As in, I was embarrassed. It was so embarrassing, I felt like the ground should just open up and swallow me but at the same time I was sad. I was sad that he could do something like that with another girl while I was on seat. Is it wrong to feel offended?" I ask her finally putting my thoughts into words to someone.

" certainly have all right to be offended, I mean doing that while you are on sit does not show any sign of respect and that so useless of him but I want to ask you a question?" She said as she stopped walking and turned to face me.

"Okay, you can." I said anxiously wondering what she wants to ask.

"Do you like him?" She ask after a few moment. I stilled as she asked a question I had never took time to think about. It took me a while but i was finally able to let out a response.

"Huh?" Dupzy said stopping once again probably shocked by my reply as she used her hands to urge me to repeat my reply.

"I think I do." I said again as she started at me wide eyed.

A'N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I'm so sorry. It's just that it's Ramadan period and I have so much to do so that's why I'm taking a break till after Ramadan. I hope you understand.

How was the chapter, it's just a filler but once I'm back, there will be more wonderful pages and scenes.

Love Y'all. Bye.

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