The date!

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"Took your time, didn't you." He ask from where he was leaning against the gate looking as heavenly as ever.

"hmm. Why didn't you enter?" I ask.

"I don't chase girls, it's always the opposite and I won't ruin my reputation coming in just to get you." He said ending the sentence like an insult, I winced gently but soon got angry.

"Well, too bad I came down early. We would have seen what the Almighty Tolu would have done." I retorted.

"I would have made you come downstairs either way and trust me you wouldn't like that." He said.

"What do you want?" I ask aggravated.

"Did you get memory loss in the past 30 minutes or so? " He ask sarcasm dripping from his words.

"Well no, I remember perfectly well. I'm just wondering what this meeting has to do with it, it's useless." I said annoyed.

"Well, you sure took your time if it was useless." He said leaving me confused.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"Well, I remember seeing you today and you were not dressed up like you are now. You didn't even use makeup but now you are. Just admit you are happy to see me baby." He said, One side of his lips tugged upward.

"Well.. Well." I said trying to look for a suitable excuse.

"Well, this isn't the first time my handsomeness and coolness has rendered a girl speechless." He said giving a defeated sigh.

"Argh.." I screamed silently.

"Let's get to this, I don't have all day to play." He said leading the way to one of the random bench around the school. He sat on one and I sat beside him.

"Okay, so do you have any ground rules." He ask.

"Nope, You?" I said

"Yes, I have a few." he said.

"First, if we are doing this then we can't be with any other girl or guy because that would be an insult to my person if others find out I'm dating someone who's dating someone else." He said.

"I thought this was a sex challenge, what's up with the dating?" I asked confused.

"Well, you wanted me to convince you so I'm going to have to do this like we are dating, take you out on dates, introduce you as my girlfriend to my friends. I'm sure when you are relaxed with me and free with me, you will let go." He said

"Makes no sense to me but okay." I said.

"Doesn't have to make sense, we both know you already don't have sense." He said laughing as I glared at him.

"Idiot." I hissed but that just aggravated his laughter.

"Second, you are to be available anytime I call you." He stated.

"Hmm, okay." I said.

"That's all." He said leaning fully on the bench hence slouching and making me get a good look at his abs which was covered by his stripped shirt, I averted my gaze as I thought of a good comeback to say.

"Just say you did not have any rules, which one is all this baseless rules you are making." I said rolling my eyes.

"Trust me love, it's not baseless." He said winking as i gasped surprised hence leaving my mouth wide open. I never knew winking could make someone look more gorgeous or perhaps it's just him and not the wink.

"Close your mouth love, there are flies around." He says breaking through my thought as I clamped my mouth shut and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I muttered.

"It's alright, I know I'm handsome but I'm all yours for the next few weeks." He said.

"So it's just for a few weeks." I blurted out stupidly.

"Of course, I don't do long term relationships. Besides, this isn't even a relationship." He said as I winced, if he had slapped me, it would have been better. The words hurt.

"Then what is this?" I ask.

"A game." He said weakly as i sighed and realized this was just a waste of time. It was going nowhere but my ego didn't let me back out so i nodded.

"Where do we begin?" I ask.

"We already did. Meet me at my hostel at 6:00pm tomorrow, I have a night party to attend so i might as well take you along and introduce you to my friends." He said.

"Okay, See you tomorrow then." I said standing up as he sat up.

"okay then, sweet heart, baby."He said in a teasing voice that sounded so sexy I had to stop myself from sighing deeply.

"Whatever, you are so annoying." I retorted

"But you like me like that, unfortunately." He said immediately as he stood up and turned away from me, walking the way he came.

I was about to walk away when he turned back and called my name. I turned to look at him and he surprised me by saying.

"You look nice." I mumbled a thank you as i rushed to the hostel.

I felt hot on my way back to my room, I was blushing so hard hence I tried to calm myself down before entering my room because i didn't want my roommates to question me.

"Good afternoon ooh." I greeted my roommates as I entered the room, they replied randomly all focused on a thing or another. Walking over to my bed, I dropped my phone, put on my hairnet and got a wipe which I started using to clean my face. My tummy start to groan about 10 minutes later and that was when I remembered my porridge.

I stood up and walked to the pot which was still seated on the table but alas, I was surprised by what I found in there.

"Who ate my porridge?" I screamed angrily.

A'N: I agree that this was long due but its not my fault, I have kinda been tired and busy. But I hope you loved the update,vote and tag at least a friend in the inline comment.
Also guys, I got nominated at a student award in the writer/poet section and I would really love if you would vote for me.
Voting is once daily, just click on the link below to get started.

Thanks, Love y'all.

Question of the chapter: Where do you think the whole challenge is headed too?
Leave your thoughts below.

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