Feelings? or Curiosity.

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I heard laughter behind me as I climbed off the bed. I looked up to see dupzy behind me.

"What the hell dupzy." I shouted

"Sorry girl, I just decided to scare you and you had to see your reaction. It was sure rewarding." she replied still laughing to herself.

I sat down back on my bed.

"What do you want?" I snapped at her still irritated.

"I'm so wounded." She said feigning pain with her hand over her heart.

"You know that's not what I meant. I was just angry." I said.

"I know girl ,was just kidding. Anyways I was actually wondering if you would love to go to a party after classes." She said.

"Hmm, who is doing a party." I ask.

"It's a birthday party by one of my hostel mates and she invited me." She said.

"Ooh, That's cool." I replied nodding my head.
We left my room a few minutes later for our classes as I sent a quick text to Tosin that I might not be back early because I was going to Dupzy's. It wasn't necessary but I loved being responsible and it was a responsible Idea to me.

We got to the party 20 minutes after our last class which ended by 5.00pm. The party was already in full swing when we arrived, I could see some drunk and high guys. Some girls were grinding against the guys. Some were quietly drinking at the bar and enjoying the party.

"Hey." A guy said joining us as he put a kiss on Dupzy's forehead and I recognized him immediately.

"Sarah, meet my boyfriend. This is Seun and Seun, meet my new friend. Her name is Sarah." She made the introductions as I muttered an hello.

"Your face looks familiar." He says over the music that was playing.

"Yes, you saved me from your friend yesterday. I bumped into him." I said.

"You know, the tall and lanky one." I said as a means of explanation while he nodded in understanding.

"What are you guys talking about. Have you met Seun before." Dupzy ask as I gave her a quick and short details of what happened the previous day.

"Ooh, she muttered. Let's get somewhere to sit." She said.

"You can sit with us." Seun suggested.

"No, no worries." she replied.

"Why?" He asks

"Because, I don't think your friends will approve of her dressing this way." She said lightly as I look at what I was putting on. I was putting on a formal skirt and top that was more formal For a class than a birthday. Taking a look at Dupzy,  I realized she was better dressed for the occasion that I in her camouflage jeans and bad ass jacket.

"Hey Dupe, where are you going." A guy from Seun's friends ask as we passed through where they were seating. Their whole area was covered with bottles and different sexy girls as I caught a glance of a girl seated on the guy I had bumped into yesterday. I couldn't see clearly because of the lightening of the bar but it looked like she was grinding against him.

"I want to talk to my friend over there." She shouts back as she drag me to the open bar where there was no one except a drunk guy whom was asleep.

"I'm so sorry about that but I didn't want us to sit with them." she said.

"It's okay but isn't that your boyfriend. Isn't it proper that you sit with him." She ask.

"He is and it is but I don't want to. I get irritated at the smell of drugs and alcohol around them." She says as she requested for 2 bottle of coke from the waiter.

"Coming up." He said leaving us in silence.

"Does your boyfriend take drugs? " I ask not knowing what to say.

"No, he doesn't and he also rarely drinks. Not because he is holy or anything but because he claims it's bitter." She said as we both burst into laughter.

"I know, right. I wonder why anyone will take it in the first place." I added between laughter.

"Yes." She said getting our drinks from the waiter.

"Thanks." We said as I found myself drawn by something making me look back at Seun's table where his friend whom I had bumped into yesterday was sucking the life out of the girl on his lap face as I felt some kind of dark flame rush through me.

"Who is he?" I ask

"Whom?" She ask sipping her drink.

"Him." I said nodding to him again.

"Oh no Sarah, He is bad news. Bad news!" She declared.

A'N: Yea yea, What do you think of Dupzy and her boyfriend. Also, why is everyone saying he's bad news. Is he really bad news. Keep your seat belt on and enjoy the ride.

Love Y'all. Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

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