The stranger

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Unknown pov.

"What the f***, Why is my father the most selfish and annoying man on earth. After what he had done, He still had the guts to cut off my monthly fees." I complained to my representative who was placating me on the phone to take it easy and stay calm.

"I'm sure he would not have done that on purpose. I'm going to talk to him or he's going to spend much more when we go to court." He said before I cut off the call and stormed out of the lecture room which was now empty but unfortunately my friends were waiting for me outside.

I didn't know how my parent could be so selfish, my mother was a slut who didn't really care about me and my dead sister or my father. All she cares about was his money and My father, he was a beast in human clothing. I shivered as I thought about my younger sister when all of a sudden a girl bumped into me.

I looked down at her since she was shorter than me, I stared at her waiting for her to apologize.

"Don't you have something to say for yourself huh, you don't just bump into people and stare at them. In case, you don't know that's rude." I said but she still didn't reply, she just kept staring at the ground like it's some interesting piece.

I was about to ask if she was deaf when Seun intervened.

"Guy, it's okay. You can see the girl is intimidated. Just free her." He said and that was when she spoke up.

"Sorry." She said. Her voice was barely above a whisper and I noticed how musically it sounds.

"Didn't know you could speak mute, Thought you were deaf." I said not waiting for a reply as I walked away.

We got to the parking lot where we parked our cars and Seun got in with me since he didn't bring his car to school.

"What's eating you?" Seun asked me when we got to my room after the other guys were all gone.

"Dad cut off my monthly allowance." I said

"That's great, no more money for booze or drugs." He said laughing.

"Please, do not start your lecture now." I said raising up a palm which was a signal for him to stop.

"You know how I feel..." He started as I cut him off.

"Yes, I know how you feel about it but I need it, I need it to survive." I said.

"Okay, I just hope this won't get you killed. Come find me when you need someone to talk to. I have to go and see Dupe." He said as he walked out.

"Why did you stand up for that girl?" I ask.

"Because I could tell you weren't in your right mind and you were going to take it out on her." He said simply.

"Thank you." I said because I was still human and I knew he was right.

"You are welcome, bye." He said leaving my room as I walked to my kitchen to pour myself some wine.

Sarah's POV

I continue staring at this guy for what seems like a long time before he snapped at me.

"Don't you have something to say for yourself huh, you don't just bump into people and stare at them. Incase you don't know, that's rude." He said

I was too dumfounded to speak so I started looking at anywhere but him which unfortunately was the ground. Thankfully, I was saved by one of his friends some minutes later.

"Guy, it's okay. You can see the girl is intimidated. Just free her." He said.

"Sorry." I muttered.

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