New acquaintance.

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We started our tour from the boys hostels to the other girls hostel, tantalizer, the school cafeteria, medical center, library and the lecture rooms before heading back to the hostel.

When we got to the hostel, I was so tired from all the walking so I just went to get a gala and drink from one of the stores outside the hostel. On getting back to the room, I brought out my phone and checked my whatsapp messages.

I started chatting with one of my old school mate whom had messaged me earlier when i wasn't online.

"Let play dare and truth." Tola suggested later in the evening and we all agreed.

She started the game looking at us individually before finally picking her prey.

"Teni, truth or dare?" She asks

"I go with truth." She replied.

"Do you have a boyfriend? "Tola asks throwing her the simplest question she could find but apparently Teni didn't think so since she blushed and I could tell she is was shy before replying.

"Yes." She replied quietly.

"Issnoteasy." Tola teased before asking her to go ahead and choose. Fortunately, she choose me.

"Truth or dare?" She ask

"Truth." I replied simply.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She ask

"Nope." I replied popping the "p".

"Oya, holy child. Issnot easy." Tola hailed while we just burst into laughter.

"Hmm, I choose Tola." I said smirking as I thought of what to ask her.

"Truth or dare." I said

"Dare." She replied easily as I thought of what to ask her to do. As I turned around, I caught a glance of Teemah's laptop and smiled. Teemah was the final year student, she was nice and open yet firm but was rarely in the hostel or at least that was the impression she has created since I arrived the day before.

"I dare you to break teemah's laptop." I said smirking.

"Huh, no. I think I will pass." She said as I started laughing at the distraught expression on her face. As if my laugh has contaminated the other, they joined me and we all started laughing including herself.

"Okay, No problem. But you have to pay 500 naira as fine." I said still laughing as I tried to catch my breath.

"Haba, why nah. It's too much, let's reduce it to 200 Naira." She protested.

"Nope, it's either you accept it or break the laptop but I think you should pay because if not, you will repair the laptop which will be more than 500 Naira." I said as she grumbled, brought out her purse and gave me the money.

The game went on but no one choose a dare after that and we used the 500 naira to buy spaghetti which the whole room even Teemah ate for dinner but of course excluding Natasha.


I woke up around 7.00 am the next morning and started to prepare since we freshers has been asked to get to one of halls by 10:00am in the morning. Teemah was already awake and planning to use the bathroom, I greeted her before kneeling before my bed to pray.

I sent a quick text to mum on what I would be doing during the day and arranged an outfit to wear. Everyone was awake by then but I used the bathroom next.

Once I was out of the bathroom, I rubbed my cream on my body and did some beauty procedures before slipping on my high waist jean trouser and yellow crop top. I did what people would call a heavy makeup before I brushed my hair and added edge control to the edge.

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