Hostel wahala!!

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"How was the party?" Tosin ask smiling at me from her bed where she was reading a novel. Teemah didn't notice me since she had an earpiece in her ear, she was watching a movie on her laptop.

"Oya come and gist us ooh." Teni said dragging me to sit on Tola's bed where she had been sitting before I entered.

"Shey you meet any fine boy?" Tola ask as I shook my head at her smiling.

"Haa, this one you are smiling like cat. I don't trust you ooh. Oya gist us." She said as I chuckled. Over the weeks, I had gotten close with the both of them because they were my roommates and also because we were in the same year so we kind of bonded well.

I told them all about the party. Telling them about meeting Tolu but leaving out his name, Dupzy's warning and our previous meeting.

"So you got yourself a bad boy eehn. O lagbara ooh." Tola tease me.

"Whatever, how's your boyfriend?" I ask. I had become a big fan of their relationship ever since she told me about them and also, he was always calling.

"He's fine, we were supposed to video call but he's busy at the moment." She says clicking away on her phone and I had no doubt she was chatting with him.

"Love wantiti." Teniola teased also typing on her phone.

"Abi ooh." I said as my ringing tone "Shine." by johnny drille started playing.

"Hello mum." I said moving to my corner in the room.

"My dear, how have you been? How is school?" She ask.

"Fine ma. How is everyone at home?"

"They're all fine my dear. I just wanted to ask you if you have received the alert. I sent the ten thousand naira I promised you.

"Awwn, thank you so much mummy. I love you." She said.

"I love you too my dear. Make sure you go to lectures ooh and be careful ooh. Don't join bad gangs ooh." She warned.

"Of course mom, you should trust me." I said.

"I do, it's just that peer pressure is real so I have to keep praying for you. I trust you though, Your dad says hi." She added at last minute.

"Ooh okay, say hi to him for me. What of Inumidun." I said asking of my younger sister.

"She's alright ooh. Inu, Inu." My mom called.

"Hey Sis, how are you?" She ask getting on the phone.

"I'm okay ooh. Just here, how's everyone at home and Richard." I  ask chuckling, knowing she was going to weave the question because she wouldn't want mom to know about her boyfriend.

"They are all fine ooh." She said and I burst into laughter.

"Before nko, how's your best friend. I hope you guys have settled your feud."

"Yes ooh, it wasn't funny. Infact, it's a long story. Don't worry shaa, I will chat you up on whatsapp." She said.

"Please do ooh." I said as I heard my mom start to complain it was enough and she should hand over the phone.

"Okay, my dear. Later, make sure you eat and take care of yourself ooh. Bye bye."

"Bye ma." I said, dropping my phone. I stood up, removed my clothes and went to shower. I made cornflakes after my bath which I settled to eat in my comfy night wear on my bed. I was already chatting with Inu and eating my cornflakes on my bed when we started hearing noise downstairs.

Teni and Tola ran outside first to see what was happening as I heard noises.
"Are you mad, please ooh. Give me back my pant, I don't want wahala ooh." I heard and that heightened my level of curiosity and I stood up to leave the room. As if on cue, the rest of us left the room and stood by the railings outside our room checking out the fight downstairs.

"I did not take anything. You are on your own if they have stolen it ooh." The other fair girl who was well know in the hostel as one of the wannabe's big girl replied. The whole corridor of our block was filled with students watching the fight and I even sighted some students from other blocks.

"I'm telling you ooh. You are the only one that I left in the room and when I got back, I didn't see the underwear where I left it again." The other girl screamed. It was Fummi, one of the run's girl in the hostel.

"Abi this one is mad, you and who. If it is only me you left in the room, Didn't you meet Tope and Ife when you got back abi they animals ni? Or because they are your friends now, you think they can't steal it." Faith answered, her words laced heavily with sarcasm.

"They did not take it?" She said.

"How did you know?" Faith said as the other student that had now all left there room and were In the corridor started shouting, some agreeing with her.

I could hear some people saying "Ask them." and some people where arguing about who the culprit could be.

"You hear, did you guys take the pant." Fummi said asking two girls who were standing there that I didn't notice earlier. I recognized one as her roommate but the other, I have never seen.

"No ooh, we did not take pant ooh." They defended themselves loudly.

Hehe. I'm telling you this girl ooh. Faith, where is my pant." She started to shout and soon a fight ensued, the fight led to outside the hostel block to the compound. Too lazy to go down the staircase, I walked back into the room.

"Na wa ooh, Everybody is just scared about this pant stuff." Teemah said as we entered the room back with Tosin. Teni and Tola were no where to be found, probably gone to gossip

"I swear, nobody wan die ooh."  Tosin said as we all laughed.

"You know she's a run's babe so they know how they do. She had probably come in contact with more than enough yahoo guys. She knows how they use the pant for rituals." I commented.

"The girl no wan become Benz nah." Teemah said as we all burst into laughter. We were still laughing when Tola and Teni came back.

"So, what actually happen?" I ask them as they entered.

"You no fit follow us abi." Tola said.

"I was too lazy to climb those staircase jare." I said.

"Eehn eehn and you want gist. Stay there and be waiting for it ooh." Teni replied for her.

"Oya, you people should sorry nah. Tell us what happened." Tosin said.

"Okay ooh. You know that Fummi is a run's babe shebi. I did not know how the girl lost pant but she is claiming that she spread it in the room beside her bed. That girl she was accusing came to see one of her friend who was not around so she sat in the room.

When Fummi got back and didn't see the Pant, she started accusing the girl because she knew her roommate would never steal the pant and the other girl, Silvia is her friend so she trusts her too. So that was how they started arguing." Tola said.

"Faith kept saying she did not see any Pant." Teni added.

"So, have they seen it." I ask.

"No ooh but one of the porters told them to act like woman and stop fighting. She was the one that separated the fight, They are on the porters office now Shaa." They said as we all shared our thought on it. The rest of the night was chaotic as everyone was shouting and talking about the fight but I soon found myself drifting to sleep as my earpiece blasted with "Money." by Adekunle Gold.

A'N: Hello, hello. How are you guys doing tonight. This is an early update so enjoy.

Also, for all girls or boys at college or universities in Nigeria. Please keep your underwears, people are so desperate. You can't trust anyone with it. Not even your Roommates, they might not use it but they can easily sell it. Prevention they say is better than cure so please be safe.

Goodnight, don't forget to vote and comment.

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