I like you.

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I woke up the next morning with a very bad headache. I groaned as i stood up, holding my bed rails for support, i touched my neck and noticed i had a temperature.

I sighed as i sat down on my chair and got a sachet of paracetamol from my drawer along with a sachet water. Once i used the tablets, i went back to sleep.

"Sarah, Sarah." Someone shook me as i regain consciousness.

"Yes, yes. What is it?" I ask groggily as I opened my eyes.

"Hey Dupzy, Whats up?" I ask yawning as i sat up.

"I'm fine, why are you still asleep by this time? Do you know what time it is?" She ask.

"What time is it?" I ask

"It's 12:00pm in the afternoon."

"Ooh really?" I ask surprised

"Yea really, now go and take your bath. We are going to my hostel." She said.

"Why?!" I ask in alert, "I can't risk running into Tolu, I can't handle it." I thought.

"Hmmmm... because, next week is exam free week and we were supposed to read together at my place." She said, looking at me suspiciously.

"Ooh true, I'll just go and take my bath then." I said escaping to the toilet.

"Yea, you do that. I'll help you pack your clothes." She said taking her seat on my bed as she conversed with Tola who was as usual on her phone.

I let out a big sigh as i sat on the WC.
"I know you are hurt and you probably won't be able to handle seeing him right now but you have to face the most important thing first which is education, after education comes boys." I gave myself a pep talk before i started brushing my teeth.

I ended up in a pair of jean and a big cashmere sweater since i was feeling a bit cold even though the weather wasn't that cold. I ended up packing my bags for 4 days and informed my roommate that I was leaving and that I would be back on Thursday.

"Sarah, you won't believe that Mrs Oriade released a new lecture note on Friday. Its 150 pages, I don't know how she expects us to finish it in time for her paper with all her other lecture notes." Dupzy complained.

"Na wa ooh, but how come I didn't know about the lecture note." I frown internally.

"I mean I'm always the one telling you about new notes and assignments." I added.

"Well, I dunno if you have noticed but you have been distracted this past few days. Are you okay Sarah, is there anything happening at home?" She ask as i shook my head negatively

"Okay, that's good. So what are you planning to read first?" She ask.

"Before we read anything, i need to eat first. I'm starving, I didn't eat anything yesterday and it's almost 2:00pm." I complained.

"Who are you now complaining to, am i the one that said you should be too lazy to cook." She said making fun of me.

"Anyways, don't worry. I'm very sure the guys are hungry too so I'll get them to order something and we will eat it together." Her words altogether almost stopped my heart from beating. The boys meant Tolu, Seun, David and their other friends. I wasn't ready to face Tolu, it has barely been a day.

I can't handle seeing him now when i have finally realized that i love him and he doesn't feel the same, the pain is just too fresh.

"I think I'd get shawarma from that stall in front of your hostel instead, i want to get enough sleep before we start reading and you know those boys are loud." I made up an excuse as she chuckled.

"Anything that rock your boat babe." She said.

We ended up buying 2 shawarma and 2 plastic of ice cream. Dupzy excused herself soon after eating saying she wanted to go and see Seun.

"Call me when you are awake." She said as i locked the door behind her.

"Sure." I replied.

I was just starting to fall asleep when someone knocked.

"Who's there?" I ask as i stood up to open the door.

"It's me." The person said exactly the same time I opened the door.

"Hi." He said as my tongue went momentarily dry trying to think of something to say.

"Hello." I said, my heart hammering loudly in my chest.

"Is Dupzy in?" He ask.

"No, she isn't." I replied, catching myself as i was about to start day dream again.

"This guy would be the end of me." I thought.

"Can i come in?" He ask.

"Tolu, I seriously think you should come another time. Dupzy isn't in and this is a bad time." I said closing the door but he caught it halfway closed and opened it.

"Please, let's talk." He said and i sighed in exasperation, the puppy eyes he was giving me was doing things to me and I couldn't think straight anymore.

"Huh, okay. Come in." I said, taking a deep breath to calm myself as I closed the door behind him.

"Hmmm..." he started then stopped. So, i decided to take matters into my own hands.

"What did you say you want to talk about?" I ask rather sharply.

"I'm sorry." He said, i caught a breath and I almost stuttered over my next word but I didn't.

"What are you sorry for Tolu?" I ask, looking at him and wishing i could just hug him and tell him it's alright, that I understood him and i love him.

"For a lot of things." He said quietly.

"Can you please get to the point?" I said, about to lose my sanity. I mean, why would he be apologizing when he didn't care.

"I'm sorry that we started on the wrong foot and I'm sorry about all that has happened Sarah but it has never been about the bet. Infact, it has always been more than the bet. I just didn't know how to tell you and express it to you.

I like you Sarah." He said, after hesitating for a few minutes as he rubbed his hands down his face.

"What!" I scream, same time my phone to start ringing.

A'N: So here's a new update and I know a lot of us are wondering if the end of this story is near. Well, it is and it isn't so just stay tuned but i really plan to finish this up soon so i can move to new projects.

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