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I groaned as I struggled to hold on to my dream but soon gave up at the persistent ringing of my phone.

"Arrgh." I muttered putting the dream at the back of my mind as Mum flashed on my phone screen.

"Good afternoon mum." I greeted her.

"Good afternoon dear, did you just wake up?" She ask.

"Yes ma, it was your call that woke me up now."

"Ooh, I'm sorry about that dear. I just wanted to inform you that I'm coming to your school area on Tuesday, i want to come and see a friend. Do you need anything?" She ask

"No ma, I don't. Exams are starting soon and i still have some foodstuff but you can send me some money." I said chuckling as i waited for her reply.

"You are always after money but alright, I'll send something to you. You should call your dad too."

"Okay ma, thank you ma." I replied with a full smile on my face.

"You are welcome dear, I won't come over anymore since you said you don't need any foodstuffs but I'll transfer the money to you this week huh." She said.

"Yes ma."

"Alright dear, take care of yourself and read well eehn." I nodded before I realized she couldn't see me.

"You too, bye ma." I said, chuckling at my stupidity.

"Bye dear." She said ending the call.

I sighed as i dropped my phone on the bed beside me. I rubbed my face with my palm as my brain finally revisited my dream. I was mortified as i thought about it.

I wondered if i was so in love with Tolu that i was dreaming about him or if it was because of the sex. My thought reminded me of Mummy Ayo, one of the numerous women in my church back home that was always saying that we, the teenagers shouldn't have sex before marriage because once we have sex, we were bonding ourselves to the guy forever.

"Am i bonded with Tolu forever?" I ask myself, confused as i shook my head and picked off my phone to call Dupzy. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind where i would unravel it later.

"Babes, what's up?" I ask

"I'm good. You are awake already abi?" She ask

"Yea, i just did now."

"Ooh alright, I'm on my way then."

Dupzy arrived soon and we started studying with Tolu locked at the back of my mind.

The next days spent with Dupzy were spent reading vigorously and preparing for the upcoming exams. I ran into Tolu a few times but he ignored me and although it hurt, i ignored him too. I didn't have time for self pity so he remained locked at the back of my heart and head.

Exam free week flew past and soon, exams started and the school became more full. Students came into the school to read making the hostel become more fuller in the afternoon, dry in the night when 80 percent of the students go for night class. I and Dupzy after trying it once decided it was not for us anyways with the mosquitoes and cold so instead we camp out in her room at night to read and rush very early to school the next morning if we have a morning paper.

Sometimes, we use my hostel library and my room. Every single one of those room sufficed as I survived all my paper till the last one.

Friday was my last paper and i was super excited as i paired on a random top and jean. I entered the exam hall an hour later after i had left my hostel as i sit in front of my computer, prayed and logged it.

The questions were super easy as i picked the answer off recalling each moment Dupzy was asking the questions while I answered them and some were questions i asked her. I finished 10 minutes before the end, went over it twice before finally submitting.

"Finally!" I sighed as i breathed a sigh of relief leaving the exam hall.

"Babes!" Someone scream as i turned to see Dupzy waving me over, she was standing under a tree with some girls from our department.

"Sarah, how was your exam?" She ask as the girls greeted me.

"It was okay, i saw those questions we treated." I replied.

"Yea, i did too." She said. We ended up talking about the exams a bit before splitting up with the girls.

"Finally! exams are over." Dupzy said as we walked in the direction of my hostel.

"Ikr! I can't wait to sleep and go home." I replied.

"Wait! What do you mean go home?" She ask

"Well.... go home noni." I hesitated before replying.

"I hope you have not informed your mum or anyone shaa that you are coming home or stuff?" She ask.

"Well, i actually haven't. I was planning to call my mom today."

"Well, thank God. You can call her but you aren't going home anytime soon." She said

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Well... first, this is just the first week of exam. A lot of people are still going to be in school except the Fresher's of course who have finished. Also, you are going to be spending time with me. I think you should at least relax from your exam before you go back home." She said.

"Ooh okay, maybe shaa." I replied.

"It's not a matter of maybe ooh, you are going to pack your necessities now and follow me back to my hostel. We are gonna sleep the rest of the day off and come tomorrow, we are going to start having fun babe." She said as we finally got to my hostel.

I thought about it as I climbed the staircase and realized how true what she said was, I didn't want to go home yet and she was right about that but what she didn't know was that, I was unconsciously trying to escape Tolu.

"Lets pack!" I said to Dupzy who replied with a scream,

"That's the spirit girl!!" Teemah glared at us from where she was reading as we muttered a little sorry.

A'N: So, exams are over and it's finally time for Sarah to have fun.

What do you think and how do you feel about the earlier part being a dream?😂😂😂

Also, do you think Dupzy was a bit forceful at the later part?

Tell me what you think by commenting below and don't forget to vote for this chapter to make me happy.

Love y'all.

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