A Tag

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"This is so delicious. I didn't know you could cook like this." Tolu said, wiping his mouth.

"What kind of girlfriend would I be if I don't know how to cook." I said, playfully.

"Girlfriend?!!" Was his only reply as I look away shyly. In all honesty, I had not thought before talking and I was looking for a way to deflect what I had said.

"Sarah, do you want a tag?" He ask me in all sincerity as he shifts closer to me and used his palm to guide my face to face his, looking into my eyes.

"I... I.. Dunno." I stutter, unsure of what to say.

"Sarah, if you want a tag. I would give you a tag. Hell, if you want the world, I would give you the world. I just thought you wouldn't want my name to be associated with yours." He said softly.

"Why wouldn't I want to be associated with you? You are smart, handsome, you love me and I can't forget the fact that you have some cool cash in there." I asked him confusingly before joking about him being rich.

"I wish you had come for the money." He whined.

"And who told you I didn't come for the money?" I ask him, teasingly.

"In our 3 months of having met each other, you haven't asked me for a single dime and you don't even like me buying things for you. That's so much like someone who came for the money or don't you think?" He replied, teasing me as I shook my head at him.

I stood up and packed the plate and glass cup he had used for eating to the kitchen. On getting back, he was already lying on the bed doing something on his phone.

"Alright, I'd love to take my leave now." I told him as I saw him watch me from the bed.

"Where to?" He ask, as if the answer isn't obvious.

"Dupzy's, don't you have an exam to read for or something?" I ask him

"I do but I don't want you to leave. Come." He said as I walk closer to him. I stood at the side of the bed and let out a surprised yelp as he dragged me down on the bed with him.

"What's that?" I ask, chuckling.

"Stay with me." He cooed like a little baby as he snuggled into me or should I say wrapped his big arms around mine like a blanket.

"Okay." I agreed as we both cuddle in peaceful silence.

"About the tag..." He started all of a sudden.

"Yea, what about it?" I ask.

"I would love it if you would be my girlfriend. Will you be my girl?" He ask as I do a celebration dance in my head.

Smiling, I said "No."

"No?!! What do you mean..." He started but stopped as he caught the sheepish smile on my face.

"Of course, yes!" I told him as he gave me a light peck on my forehead.

"I love you Sarah." He said as I smile at him, content at being in his arms.

"I love you more Tolu." I said to him as we both cuddled till we fell right asleep in each other arms.

I didn't leave Tolu's place until it was dark outside. He refused to let me leave until I told him I couldn't spend the night at his house. At first, he argued saying I was his girl after all and then agreed all of a sudden as he let me go unwillingly. I felt giddy all through as I felt loved and wanted.

2 Months Later

"Hey love." Tolu dropped a quick peck on my forehead as he arrived at where I and Dupzy were standing after our afternoon class.
"How are you?" I beamed.
Dupzy shook her head, "Abeg, you people should spare me with this your love ooh. This one that you are both smiling like idiots." We all burst into laughter.
"Na una sabi, I didn't send your boyfriend to go to conference, did I?" I tease.
"Whatever, let's go." She said as we walk in the direction of the school car park. "By the way, why did you take so long Tolu? We have been waiting since forever." Dupzy asked as I walk side by side with Tolu. She, on the other side of him.
"I had to meet up with some guys..." I lost track of their conversation as I smile and listen to their voices.

It was amazing how in the span of 5 months, I had made a friend and fallen in love. It wasn't perfect, none of it was and when it comes to I and Tolu, I still wasn't sure how our bet turned real or where we are headed.

Tomorrow could turn out to be our friend and it could also turn out to work against us but we are young and no matter how distant our hearts might become from each, I'm certain we'd love and live again.

"Sarah, warn your boyfriend ooh!" Dupzy says, breaking my thoughts as I smiled and join in their banter.

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