Make out session!!

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I arrived at Tayo's door at 6pm the next day looking as chic as I could.

"Hi." I said to him as he opened the door where he was leaning against the door. He was clad in a big tee with the caption "I'M DANGEROUS."

"Like what you see?" He ask cockily as I stared at the words for a long time.

"Well no, Just wondering if those words were supposed to scare me off." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well they are meant to tell you not to try and get any closer than you are already are." He replied

"Whatever that means?" I replied confused.

"Never mind, come in." He said

"Nice apartment." I commented looking around the room that was surprisingly very neat. It was very spacious and even with the big bed placed beside the wall, there was still space. The room extended to another room and beside it was a kitchen that looks too huge for a student. I could also see a locked door beside the kitchen but I was guessing it was the toilet.

"Sit down, I will be just a minute." He said as he walked into the other room.

"Idiot cannot even offer me water." I muttered as i brought out my phone and started surfing the net. He appeared some minutes later, still in the same attire but now putting on a sneaker and a black wristwatch with a face cap.

"Let's go." He said picking up his car keys from the centre table. He locked the door behind him as he proceeded to the parking lot where he stopped bedside a black Benz, he opened the door as I stood stuck staring at the door, mouth wide opened.

"Come on or are you going to spend the whole day staring at my car." He said from inside as he started the car and I scrambled in, embarrassed.

I kept quiet the whole ride as i played nervously with my hands.
We arrived at the venue 30 minute later, it was a club and my hands started to sweat since I have never been at a club and I could not understand why I ever agreed to come.

He parked his car at a parking space and got down as i followed.  I walked behind him and we soon got inside.

"Hey man, what's up. Being a while." He fist bumped a guy as he got in, I hid behind him as I looked everywhere and realized how out of place I was. Everyone is the club had something that screamed bad on them but there i was, standing like a lost girl with every piece of my skin shouting good.

"Who's the girl?" The pink haired guy whom Tolu was greeting turned his attention to me some minutes later. He was smoking something that I knew wasn't cigarette.

"My girl." Tolu replied simply.

"Really. How can you call this girl your girl." The guy said laughing making emphasis on "your girl" as I stared at them lost.

"She's too good for you man. You can't last with someone like her." He said talking about me like I'm not there.

"It's just a month agreement or so. Then it's over." Tolu replied

"You want to get In her pants, don't you?" The pink haired guy said laughing again and I realized he must be totally drunk.

"See you later man." Tolu said as he walked in the direction of the bar to probably order something.

"Whiskey." He told the bar man who didn't even bat an eyelid but  poured the appropriate amount into a glass. I stared at it like it was a weird alien since I have never seen it before but i kept my mouth shut.

He gulped it down and asked for another before he finally turned to me. "Do you want cold beer?" he ask as i shook my head.

"Coke will do." I said quietly as he nodded and requested for a bottle.

"I thought you said a friend was celebrating something?" I ask.

"Yes." He said taking another glass of whiskey.

"So have you congratulated him?" I ask sipping my coke quietly.

"Yes, he was the pink haired guy earlier." He said.

"Really." I muttered.

"Yes." He replied just as a girl practically naked but endowed with big breast and butt strutted over to us. I could see her nipples through the see through she was putting on and her cleavages were all over the place.

"Hey baby." She said seductively sitting on Tolu's lap. Hence, pushing her breast into his face.

"Hi." He said as he downed yet another cup.

"You look so hot and I feel so cold. Do you think you can warm me up." She said trailing her hands over her naked breast as i watched them in astonishment and wondered what was happening.

"Unfortunately, That won't be tonight. I'm here with someone." he said.

"Ooh no baby, you don't want to miss this." She said grabbing his hands and placing it on her nipples as she used her other hands to caress her breast and started to moan quietly as i just looked at them, wondering if I was looking at a make out session.

"No, not this night." Tolu said but I could hear his laboured breathing and I wondered if it was starting to get to him. I was about to stop the nonsense they were doing when i heard him gasp loudly and that was when I realized her hands was already on his thing.

"What the fuck!" I said and as if that was a wake up call for them, they both looked up at me. The girl eyed me, hissed and stood up as she blew a kiss at him, winked and said "Later."

I shook my head unable to believe what had just happened as i stood up and stalked off outside and waited beside his car.
"What the hell was that?!" I said as he started the car.

"What the hell was what?" He ask and that was when I noticed his red eyes, he was drunk.

"You were practically making out with that girl." I said.

"Well, if you would make out with me. I would not go back to her when i drop you." He said.

"What!" My subconscious thought.

A'N: Funke!!! Like, what the hell is going on here, anyways I think it's getting hot in here and I need to go and get some fresh air outside. I'm so sorry it took so long to update, please vote, comment and share.

Book 2 of Behind the walls is finally out. It's titled Behind Her Smile,you should all check it out and always remember to vote.

Question of the chapter: Do you say yes or no to them making out?
Leave your comments.
Love Y'all.

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